Farmington NH High School Lets a Left Wing Activist Propagandize Kids in the Classroom

Steve MacDonald

indoctrination-centerOn November 28th the New Hampshire Chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union shared news on Facebook about ACLU Community Organizer Daniel Pontoh’s presentation to Farmington High School students. The subject was social justice activism, and how they can create the change they wish to see in the world and in NH with the passage of the Transgender Bill in the New Hampshire House. The post included two tags. #TransBillNH and Freedom New Hampshire.

So what’s wrong with that? For starters, the TransBill is a lie, Freedom New Hampshire is a nationally funded left-wing pressure group (as is the ACLU), and “Social Justice” is a tool used by the left to socially and culturally re-engineer your children.

Social Justice

The “Social Justice Movement” endorses socialism as a means of redressing the alleged evils of capitalism and producing a programmatic equality that it acknowledges will be purchased at the price of individual liberty and require the manufacture of what totalitarian governments have called “the New Man.”

The Social Justice movement traps your child in an ideological prison that in direct opposition to its advertised purpose (Inclusion and diversity) is intolerant (even within itself) and when triggered, can result in mental health issues and violence. Liberal Democrat Keri Smith abandoned the Social Justice Movement because she saw,

“…increasing numbers of so-called liberals cheering censorship and defending violence as a response to speech. I see seemingly reasonable people wishing death on others and laughing at escalating suicide and addiction rates of the white working class. I see liberal think pieces written in opposition to expressing empathy or civility in interactions with those with whom we disagree. I see 63 million Trump voters written off as “Nazis” who are okay to target with physical violence. I see concepts like equality and justice being used as a mask for resentful, murderous rage.”

Adam J. MacLeod, who teaches law, often finds students who have spent years exposed to liberal educators and the social justice worldviewcannot think, don’t know very much, and are enslaved to their appetites and feelings. Their minds are held hostage in a prison fashioned by elite culture…” They,

“…have been taught to resort to two moral values above all others, diversity and equality. These are important values if properly understood. But the way most of you have been taught to understand them makes you irrational, unreasoning. For you have been taught that we must have as much diversity as possible and that equality means that everyone must be made equal. But equal simply means the same. To say that 2+2 equals 4 is to say that 2+2 is numerically the same as four. And diversity simply means difference. So when you say that we should have diversity and equality you are saying we should have difference and sameness. That is incoherent, by itself. Two things cannot be different and the same at the same time in the same way.”

Antifa and the on-campus violence we hear about, are all triggered by the intolerance embedded in the minds of students steeped in the Social Justice psychology, and encouraged by the professional left. Parents need to ask, why in the world would a High School or a teacher allow anyone promoting this sort of thinking process exposure to their children?

Maybe it’s the taxpayer-funded workshops that teachers attend?


The ACLU isn’t What They Want you To Think They Are, and Never Was

The ACLU panders to patriots, but it was founded by Stalinist/Leninist sympathizer Roger Baldwin,

“…who served as its executive director until 1950. Baldwin was a socialist who counseled subterfuge as the preferable means of promoting his political agendas in the United States. In a private 1917 letter (to the journalist/activist Louis Lochner, who was affiliated with a radical organization), Baldwin wrote: “Do steer away from making it look like a Socialist enterprise. We want to look like patriots in everything we do.”

One of the leading conflicts of interest the ACLU has yet to resolve is how appearing to fight for free speech ultimately competes with the Social Justice Movements necessary intolerance of ideas outside its narrow progressive worldview. Programming children to be intolerant of the views (and therefore speech) of others suggests that in the end free speech and free association will give way to the larger goal of advancing the “socialist enterprise.”


Freedom New Hampshire is…

Backstopped by a national left-wing group funded by millionaires and billionaires, operating in New Hampshire under cover of local activism. Yeah, it’s bucket loads of that evil out-of-state-influence peddling Democrats like to go on about. Money that pays for a movement promoting radical legislation based, as I noted above, on a lie.

You may not be aware, but New Hampshire has a Human Rights Commission.This commission is responsible for “eliminating discrimination in employment, public accommodations and the sale or rental of housing or commercial property, because of age, sex, sexual orientation, race, creed, color, marital status, familial status, physical or mental disability or national origin.”  The commission was set up under RSA 354-A and has been working to help any Granite Stater who has been discriminated against, including transgenders. …

Trans activists know this. There has not been some outcry from people in New Hampshire to end perceived discrimination that isn’t happening. The people pushing this are from out of state and are intentionally pushing specific new laws that will infringe upon the freedoms of others.

The presumption is that there are no protections in existing lawbut that simply isn’t the case. The changes being pushed by the ACLU and the inappropriately named Freedom New Hampshire in that Farmington classroom, would, in fact, make New Hampshire citizens less free and less equal by creating a legal carve-out to encourage lawsuits against small business owners. If passed it could from the threat of legal action intimidate or suppress free association, free speech, free expression, and religious liberty. All while putting women and girls at risk for sexual harassment or assault by opportunists willing to take advantage of the poorly written legislation to gain access to them.

Does anyone want to guess whether any of that was shared by the ACLU Community Organizer, Daniel Pontoh, who is a career left-wing activist? According to the ACLU,

Daniel is a migrant activist/organizer who first grew his roots in organizing as a Fellow at UNH with NextGen Climate. He became one of the lead Field Organizers with NextGen Climate at UNH for the 2016 General Election where him and his team managed to turn out more than 70% of the campus to vote in a volunteer/student-led effort.

NextGen Climate is a radical environmental group funded by progressive billionaire Tom Steyer, who tried to buy the US Senate for the Democrats in 2014. Steyer continues to pour millions into progressive pressure politics and now Daniel ties him to stealing the US Senate election in 2016 for Maggie Hassan. Something he is so proud of it’s on his LinkedIn profile.

Campus Field Organizer,

Coordinated the team responsible for organizing New Hampshire’s largest university to maximize student voter turnout in the region.Designed and realized innovative solutions with the goals of maximizing turnout and volunteer participation. … Efforts resulted in record high turnout for the region and one of the highest per capita student voter turnout in the nation for campuses.

Daniel organized out-of-state tuition-paying students to tip a national election in favor of a Democrat Senate candidate who won by less than 1000 votes, and a presidential candidate who barely secured the Granite State’s four electoral votes. Any number of local races are naturally also suspect.

And now he is teaching High School students in Farmington how to promote and advance an ideology that the American College of Pediatricians says is harmful to children.

Taxpayers in Farmington might want to take a closer look at that. Parents in other districts might want to find out if he has or is planning to indoctrinate their kids anytime soon.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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