dear trans community

Transgender Activists Manipulate Parents With Suicide Threats and More! – Stack of Stuff Part 26

Just too much going on, and I’ve fallen behind, again, on putting education stuff up that I think is important.  So, here’s a few more snippets, some reformating, emphasis mine/ Transgender Activists Manipulate Parents With Suicide Threats:

Destiny Washington Paterson Elementary

School Districts Spying on Parents to Get Them Fired, Transgenderism in Kindergarten, Trans Suicide, and More! – Stack of Stuff Part 22

It’s been a while (September 2021, to be exact) since I last did a compendium of how badly school districts have decided that they are the end-all-be-all when it comes to “owning” your kids.

Mental health anxiety depression Image by Josh Clifford from Pixabay

Researchers: No Proof Transitioning a Kid Reduces Suicide, Probably Makes it Worse

Gender warriors like to tell us that if we don’t transition children at the first sign that they might be “in the wrong body” – and they are the judge, jury and chief executive of what the signs are (as opposed to parents) – they will be more likely to try and kill themselves. That’s … Read more

From Whence did Transgenderism Spring?

Why transgenderism? Simple – a political process to trash heteronormativity and eliminate the difference between men and women, and undermine traditional values to forward socialism and a new way of being.

Mental health anxiety depression Image by Josh Clifford from Pixabay

Assisted-Suicide-Crazy Canada Won’t Let Man End His Life After Gender Surgery Gone Wrong

Canada, much like with deforestation, is all-in on depopulation. Medical Assistance in Dying is all the rage. Death by lethal injection is inhumane unless you’re the average troubled citizen ready to end it all, but not if you had your junk removed, added a fake vagina, regret it, and want to die.

The Detransistioning of the Transgender Movement: CA State Superintendent Thrown Out for Opposing Parental Rights

The Transgender movement is, IMHO, starting its downslide as it just got too big for its britches…and skirts. It decided to use the Obama “Dense Pack” strategy by trying to overwhelm parents by first sneaking policy into school districts and then berating unsuspecting parents.

Transgender flag fist

The Lies of Transgender Medicine

If you do not know where I stand on chemical and surgical gender transition, it’s easy to summarize. Adults are free to do what they think is best for them (as long as I’m not paying for it). Leave the kids alone.

Slippery Slope of Transgenderism Hot Air FI

Transgender Club is an Art Class, Childism, Free Sex Change Kits to Kids, School Erases Mother’s Day – Stack of Stuff #45

It never seems to stop and because it never stops, it gets worse and worse. I’ll remind you, this whole “Fundamental Transformation” (yes, an Obama reference) that is turning the relationship of Parents and Children upside down over the broadening of the meaning of sexualizing children and destroying families.  “Childism” is the cause and I … Read more

Kid cant be an indian but an adult man can be a woman Powerline

Transgender “Transitions” Solve Nothing, YouTube Still Censoring, And a Teacher Stands up for Biology – Stack of Stuff #44

Fast and furious, it continues. More stories/snippets of what’s ailing our education system and the children placed within it.  First up, a realization that the social contagion that is affecting our young ones with the activists message of “a live trans boy or a dead daughter” isn’t holding as much water as they would have … Read more

Mental health anxiety depression Image by Josh Clifford from Pixabay

The Democrats Own the Transgender Insurrections

The Nashville, Tennessee, school shooting was a hate crime. Domestic terrorism perpetuated by self-proclaimed transgender Audrey Hale. Such people want “revenge” against those who disagree with their agenda.

Mental health anxiety depression Image by Josh Clifford from Pixabay

Another Transgender Suspect Planned Mass Shootings at Schools and Churches

In case you missed it, while everyone was discussing the Transperson who shot up a Christian School in Nashville, just days later, the police arrested a 19-year-old transwoman with a freshly minted manifesto and a plan to shoot up schools and churches in Colorado.

aclu colorful sign trans kid deserve to live

The Trans Suicide Myth and Blackmail Politics

“Rates of suicide are as high as 40% in transgender youth,” Dr. Simrun Bal of Dartmouth Health testified at the New Hampshire State House. “Imagine that if there are 100 people in this room, 40 of us would have attempted suicide.”

pulse ekg heart rate

Transgender Hormone Therapy Increases Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke

Puberty blockers and hormone therapy are all the rage among the woke-a-saurs despite the increased risk of death from the drugs, mental health issues, or the exponential increase in likely suicide. Now the American College of Cardiology has more bad news.

dear trans community

CDC Pushing the Transgender Religion to Schools and MORE! – Stack of Stuff #36

It never seems to end – the Cultural Marxism at play in sexualizing our children (along with other social issues).  ALL of it can be traced back to Class Struggle/Warfare – putting one class of people against another. Classic Marxism was based on economics but it failed here in America because, well, the middle class … Read more

That Danged Transgender School District Policy (Transgender & Non-Conforming)? NOW We Know Where it Originated

I knew that it had to come from some central group as it seemed like it was a case of “not here, not there – and then it exploded ALL OVER THE COUNTRY!”. With all of the “Schools, Woke, Transgender, CRT” posts I’ve been putting up (click here for most (but not all) of those … Read more

dear trans community

The Left’s Move to Normalize Transgenderism Continues Apace and More! – Stack of Stuff #31

Every time we turn around, it seems, sex is thrown into our faces. As adults, most of us can handle that (well, except for those for whom sex and their own overblown believe in its importance in other peoples lives, I guess) in either tuning in or tuning out such messages and displays. And we … Read more

Gender Ideology Ad Trimmed

Transgender Ideology Harms Children

“It’s not an ideology!” was a common response to the Facebook ad for my NH state senate campaign that asserted that “Gender ideology does not belong in schools.”

Manchester School DIstrict - MSD logo

Manchester Transgender Policy

In case you haven’t heard, a lawsuit was filed against the Manchester School District. A young child chose to be referred to as a different pronoun, unbeknownst to parents. The parent found out inadvertently, but the school stood by the policy to withhold gender identity information from parents.

Mental health anxiety depression Image by Josh Clifford from Pixabay

Will America Wake Up from This Grooming, Transgender Nightmare?

The 5-year-old NH girl was dressed in her older brother’s hand-me-down clothes and was off to school. When school officials called the child’s mother, she was concerned something was wrong. When asked what her daughter’s “preferred pronoun” was, the mother responded she was a little girl.

Transgender Puberty Blockers – Well, Which One Is It?

SHOT: Rainbow Haired Doc: Parents Who DON’T Chemically Castrate Children Are Abusers (Reformatted, emphasis mine): On today’s episode of ‘I wish I gauged my eyes out,’ a family doctor with rainbow tie-dye hair just pitched a fit about parents who don’t give their children puberty blockers or surgically remove their genitalia. Ms. Crayola Box called this … Read more