Progressives: Never wasting a chance to force us all to be “better” (as opposed to persuasion)


OK, I admit it – this may not be a stellar post.  Am fighting a bit of writer’s block, I’ve finally determined that the only therapy for this is to start typing and what ever keys my fingertips tap will be it.  I appreciate your indulgence…

Homosexual marriage – the Progressives are always trying to force us to evolve to a higher state.  They self-righteously have decided that since they all are much smarter and more "moral" than the rest of us, they have the right to force their beliefs upon rest of us.  In this regard, ANY attempt to rebel against this forcing of an attitude is immediately met with screams of "anti-gay" or "homophobe" or "intolerance" or "anti-equality" simply for upholding the traditional definition that marriage is between a man and a woman.

I wrote a post on disagreeing with an implicit debasing of marriage (no, "what if you’re not compatible in bed") and listed what I thought were some requirements for a long lasting marriage.  Of COURSE, a comment came in that decided that I needed to be "re-edumacated":

So, will you be supporting marriage equality next year (or this fall) when the repeal bills are considered by the General Court?

Once again, never wasting an opportunity to go from Point A to Point … somewhere regardless of the original intent. Always the "push" and in seemingly every area of culture.  Including children.  After all, it was an NEA teacher speaking at a UN conference said:

We must teach our children at a very young age that the male, female and intersex comes with the presence of genitalia and no further expectation…The same could be true of our sexual orientation.  Homophobia exists when those stocked in the binary box of strictly hetero, find themselves slipping out of that role that religion and family promote.

A lot of people reacted very negatively to that – people expect schools to teach the basics of math, reading, writing, history, and the like and not be platforms for Progressives to view a their private platforms for social engineering.  How DARE Parents believe their that children are theirs to bring up according to their notions of morality – they are wrong and we will teach their children otherwise.

Given that penchant for Progressives to have quotas established for their special identity victim groups for everything, I was not surprised at the latest news earlier this week: a petition by Lair Scott at was demanding Sesame Street’s Bert and Ernie had to become gay simply because it fit their quota / agenda purposes:

In this horrific age of LGBT kids taking their own lives, they need to know that they ARE BEAUTIFUL and their lives are worth living. Aside from those that are committing suicide, the bullies that facilitate these tragedies need to learn that homophobia is NOT okay. They need to know that acceptance of their fellow human beings would indeed plant a seed of peace that will reverberate throughout the world. We are not asking that Sesame Street do anything crude or disrespectful. Only that they allow Bert & Ernie to marry or even add a transgender character to the show. It can be done in a tasteful way. Let us teach tolerance of those that are different. Let Sesame Street and PBS Kids be a big part in saving many worthy lives.

Oh, and the quota bit?

“I started this petition because I believe we need more media representation of gay and lesbian people in children’s programming,”

Oh please – can’t you just leave the kids alone?  Two and three year olds are to be sacrificed on the alter of Progressive Political Correctness, and they don’t even "get" the subject matter orientation.  The lesson is to just be nice regardless of genitalia.

Besides, Lair, what High and Mighty reason do you have that gives you the right to tell Parents that they are the problem – I will therefore take control of your kids’ morality from you?  How authoritarian is that?  People complain that politics is now everywhere and in everything – congratulations for being part of that problem and making it worse.  Read her reasoning again and think – these are preschoolers – Lair Scott’s agenda is nothing less than the imposition of her ideology on someone else’s kids – how liberty denying is that?

Fortunately, the folks at Sesame Street denied her request stating that Bert & Ernie have always been genderless and will stay that way.


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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