mRna vaccine poison - original image pixaby

How About a Little Chemical Castration, “Scarecrow”?

At the conclusion of the Wizard of Oz, the Wicked Witch meets her untimely end after asking Scarecrow if he’d like a little fire. Dorothy destroys her beautiful wickedness when a conveniently available bucket of water used to douse the burning Scarecrow melts the witch. Hail Dorothy! What does this have to do with chemical … Read more

I will not comply with unlawful orders coffee mug

Hate Mail: From, “I’m not going to identify myself” Masquerading as the 603 Alliance.

OK, I’m going to double down on this letter by using the above image – yes, it sends a First Amendment-protected message. Let’s also start with a review of our Foundational Law: the US Constitution’s Second Amendment and NH’s Article 2A.

parental rights

A Response to Drs. Hoffer, Shessler, and Chapman: How about Your Demand That Schools Break Trust with Parents over Their Children??

The analogous situation to what you are advocating is to see a child and then, without saying a word to the Parent, whisk that child off to surgery for an hours, maybe a day long, procedure. And like the Florida case, return to the Parent and say “Sorry, she didn’t make it”, turn around and … Read more

Gilford School District SAU73

Quick Thought: About Schools, Bug Spray, and School Approved Minor Children’s Sexual Identity

We got an email from the Grandson’s kindergarten about this coming week.  In it were some instructions for the rest of the school days: We will be enjoying lots of outdoor learning this week so please have your child wear sneakers every day and put on bug spray at home.  We cannot apply lotions or … Read more

Meg Tuttle NEA-NH Patch

Blogline of the Day – She said the quiet part out loud (e.g., Parents, back off!)

This isn’t the quiet part yet, but sets the stage: “Meg Tuttle, president of the NEA-NH, the state’s largest teacher’s union, said it is dangerous to let parents get between teachers and students when it comes to talking about sex.” Got that?

Granite State Progress Logo

Who Wants to Stand Between Parents and Groomers in NH? Granite State Progress

We know that HB1431 does not “out” children to their parents as described by Granite State Progress in this email to Governor Sununu:

NH Governor Chris Sununu quizzical

Groomers and Governor Sununu VERSUS Parents

Why is the Parental Rights Bill (HB1431) needed? It is needed because we have examples of groomers who are GROOMING and SEXUALIZING children IN our public schools. They are telling children to HIDE this from their parents. The 603 Alliance also put out this fact sheet: Here are the facts: HB1431 does not require the “outing” of … Read more

Chris Erchull GLAD

HB1431 Parental Bill of Rights – WMUR’s Biased Coverage: JR Hoell Gets “Time Shafted”, and LGBT Advocate Chris Erchull hates Parents.

He wants to Get between Me and My Legal Son?? We on the Right know that WMUR’s coverage of most things is biased Left; sometimes very left. In their coverage of the Parental Bill of Rights (HB1431), they were the latter rather former (way Left instead of just Left).  You can tell from how they … Read more

School Teacher Indoctrination

So, [Republican? Snicker!] Gov. Chris Sununu Told Us All That He Is Anti-parents and All in for the Teacher’s Unions.

I AM ONE OF THOSE PARENTS THAT THE SCHOOL WON’T TELL ME WHAT THE TRANSGENDER STATUS OF MY LEGAL SON IS (“So How Did It Feel, Gilford School Board, to Watch Your Principal Lie to Me in Public Because of Your Policy JBAB?“)! And Sununu wants to keep it that way! 

Sun King Sununu

Does Governor Sununu Want Teachers to Lie to Parents? That Would Violate Federal Law

According to WMUR, Governor Sununu is planning to veto HB1431 based on some of the language that is currently in the bill. The parental rights bill would affirm our fundamental rights as parents in New Hampshire.

Kimberly Rice kimrice4nh

So, NH State Rep Kimberly Rice Hates Parents and the Parental Rights Bill that Empowers Them Over School Boards.

UPDATE!  The Senate Parental Bill of Rights has been accepted by the Committee of Conference.  There are a couple of line differences between the House and Senate so there will be a vote next Thursday.  Then Gov. Sununu has to sign it.  YAY! NH State Rep Kimberly Rice was “demoted” from Chair and Majority Leader … Read more

I Was Roughed Up at a Teachers’ Rally

On, January 31, my husband and I arrived at Nashua High School North an hour before the Nashua Board of Education meeting and stood outside holding signs.

Bedroom bed sheets

Tennessee Considers Ban on Schools Teaching LGBTQ Lifestyles But Why Stop There?

The outrage meter is pinging as legislators in The Volunteer State debate a bill prohibiting teaching LGBTQ lifestyles in public schools.

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Recording Educators at Work: Is it Time?

In my day, the helping professions such as teaching and policing were generally populated by those realizing satisfaction in helping and protecting others. Like today, however, there were always a few individuals whose personalities were a poor professional fit.

Gender-Affirming Therapy for Kids Is Quackery

The Craze: Through peers, social media sites like YouTube, Tumblr, and Reddit, trans role models on TV, and public schools, a social contagion of rapid onset gender dysphoria (ROGD) is spreading among anxious adolescent girls who showed no signs of gender dysphoria growing up.

Laconia School District

Charles Bradley: My Comments on CRT at Laconia School Board Meeting

At the last meeting during the “Public Comment” section, I presented the following remarks. I have three issues to bring to your attention:

child Children mental health teddy bear

Pushback: Alabama Senate Votes to Make Hormone Therapy, Surgery for Trans Youth a Felony

We have this liberty thing where we could care less what adults do as long as it doesn’t affect other people. No, I do not support unrestricted drug use *because that affects other people. And when it comes to kids, adults playing head games that end in chemical or surgical alteration is child abuse.

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Eugenics Party Advocates Mutilation and Sterilization Disguised as Gender Rights

Democrats are the party of slavery, Jim Crow, segregation, and discrimination. In the 20th century, their policy preferences destroyed the black family and increasingly trapped them on crime-riddled urban plantations while they (Democrats) pretended to be their friends. So, don’t be surprised by this. The recent push for gender drugs and surgery for kids follows … Read more

Biology Still Matters; It Certainly Did To That Baby

Trying to have everyone believe that you are something you aren’t can have awful ramifications and outcomes especially when the medical folks have to get involved in this kind of way

Sex Reassignment Procedures Creating More Anxiety Among Trans Not Less

Advocates for things like mandatory Medicaid coverage for transgender hormone treatment or reassignment surgery have a problem. Sexual reassignment surgery does not decrease anxiety in people with gender dysphoria; it makes it worse.