AFT American Federation of Teachers Union Logo

NH Teachers Union Files Lawsuit To Reverse Anti-Discrimination Law

The AFT-NH Teachers Union filed a lawsuit to reverse the anti-discrimination law that was recently passed in New Hampshire. Essentially that means that if they were to win, teachers would be free to discriminate against your child using the Critical Race Theory agenda.

Alert Exclamation point

CALL TO ACTION: Tell NH Senators to Improve Civic Education – Vote FOR HB319

I run into resistance all of the time when supporting measures that would improve knowledge and literacy in the core academic subjects. That is why I’m making a public appeal to those who care about the poor quality of civics education students are receiving.

Strings attached Business People Connected By Strings

Will Republican Gov. Chris Sununu Sell out NH’s Sovereignty for a Bucket of Biden Bucks?

Right on schedule, just like I knew would happen, along comes NH Governor Chris “Baby Huey” Sununu to show us where his heart is – he is ready to take Biden’s COVID bribe and toss NH under the bus.

Bedford Sportsplex

So Kids, What Did We Learn From Thursday’s NH House Session (04/08/21)?

We learned that it took us a full day from 9am to 7pm to get through 51 House bills recommended as Ought To Pass (OTP) by their respective committees. They were from Criminal Justice (5), Education (12), Election Law (10), Executive Departments and Administration (8), Health Human and Elderly Services (8), and Judiciary (8).

So Kids, What Did We Learn From Convening Day In The NH House (01/06/21)?

We learned that Republican leadership can make lemonade out of lemons. After being denied use of indoor facilities at UNH because of COVID concerns and some bogus notion that members of the House booze it up during House session, they were creative in putting together a “drive-in” parking lot session. Even though we started 1 … Read more

NH Ranked ‘Most Patriotic State’ in America – Wyoming is Second, Idaho Third…

Wallet Hub’s latest US States ranking report is out, and New Hampshire is number one for Patriotism. Let’s take a look at what they think qualifies and how the Granite State managed to grab the top prize.

Our leaders are only representatives they report to us

A Public Service Announcement for those that never learned proper Civics – Part 1,505,375

You may return to your regular lives – hopefully enhanced for every time you run up against a person that holds an elected office. (H/T: Bookworm)


SB142: Legislators & Gov Sununu trashed their oaths to protect the NH Constitution over tampons

UPDATED: I just called Gov. Sununu’s office and asked if I could talk to someone in the Press office about this.  I was told to email my request to as no one was available.  So, I will. BUMPED and UPDATED 2: NH State Rep Josh Yokela (R-Brentwood) reminded me (and I had forgotten to … Read more

It sounds like NH’s “Social Studies” is about to get “SJW watered down” again

Used to be called History and separately, civics. How did we get here from back then and how is American government supposed to be organized and run?  Basic issues and basic knowledgebases for any American citizen.  Sadly, our government schools seem to be a poor job of both – after all, ask a young adult … Read more

NH State Rep Dave Testerman – what our education system SHOULD be teaching.

Note: emphasis mine  -Skip This is the 46th of my letters as your Representative.  Everyone has an opinion regarding schools and education in Franklin.  I spoke at a City Council meeting last week and attended a meeting on the schools but I want to talk about how some people prepare to serve as a legislator … Read more

Dear NH House Reps: Please Block the Nomination of Judge Neil Gorsuch

Rumor has it that every New Hampshire State House Rep. was supposed to have received this message today. From: <withheld> Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2017 1:59 PM To: ~All Representatives Subject: Block mnomination Please block the nomination of Judge Neil Gorsuch for Supreme Court Justice. He is unwilling to state his views on many important issues … Read more

NH US Senator Jeanne Shaheen Was For It Before She Was Against It

Back in 2010, US Senator from New Hampshire, Jeanne “IRS Letter” Shaheen,voted along party lines to kill a Republican Resolution designed to repeal the grandfather rule in Obamacare… Washington (CNN) – Senate Democrats voted unanimously three years ago to support the Obamacare rule that is largely responsible for some of the health insurance cancellation letters that … Read more

This Is How Our Country Will Fall – From The Inside Out, Deliberately

A recent survey from the Annenberg Public Policy Center shows that roughly one-third of adult Americans are unable to name the three branches of the federal government. We are so screwed – and the Progressives are very happy over that factoid. Ann Marie Banfield has sounded the alarm on the DEI-infused Progressive group called NH … Read more

NH Constitution

Are You Voting “Political Party” or “Constitution”?

“Winning is merely a precursor; what is of most importance is what happens afterward.” In my early years, I voted for a Party’s candidates based on their Platform. Later, in mid-life, I learned that while the Platform should be the Standard of Measure/Quality Assurance document, I had learned through a rude experience to shift my voting focus. … Read more

Nashua City Hall

Aldermen Moran’s Motion to Kill Free Speech at Our Annual Budget Hearing

On June 17th, 2024, the Board of Alderman held its annual FY24-25 budget hearing. The hearing permits citizens to question spending in any City division or department on a $320,000,000 budget. Alderman Dowd has established ground rules but often changes them during the hearing. If he doesn’t like how citizens question the spending of taxpayer … Read more

David Scanlan via Concord Monitor

Scanlan’s Voter Ed Coordinator

Our Secretary of State announced New Hampshire’s first Civic and Voter Education Coordinator in a news release in June. The article reads, “Secretary Scanlan created the position of Civic and Voter Education Coordinator to increase voter engagement efforts within the state.” It would be easy for Granite Staters to read this article, agree with the sentiment … Read more

Porcupine holding an AR-15 Perplexity.AI

Night Cap: A Free State Project for the Second Amendment?

I did not have this on my Friday Bingo card!  As we New Hampshirites know, the Free State Project had people who put Liberty as the highest Civics value and moved to NH as it was selected to be the State where a few committed people could make a difference according to the Declaration of … Read more

What if Parents ask Gun-Related Questions, Comrade Mrs Newman?

My reps and two-time opponents, Comrades Mr & Mrs Newman, have a history of ignoring emails. Normally, I don’t email them, but my personal email history with them started in October 2021 following the executive council arrests. With them and the Damn Emperor being on opposite sides of the aisle (on paper, at least), I mistakenly … Read more

Radical Community Organizers on College Campuses Who Created Them? Connecting Some of the Dots

College students, and trained Marxists, do not just wake up one day illiterate and acting like cult members– they have to be trained. The dumbing down of public education certainly helps sway students to support a political movement like Marxism, especially if they are illiterate in history, and economic systems.

House session 03-28-24

So Kids, What Did We Learn From This Week’s House Session (3/28/24)?

We learned that it took from 9am until 7pm, with an hour or so break for lunch, to get through 43 bills on the regular calendar, 2 off the consent calendar, plus 3 that were taken off the table, and 1 more that was reconsidered. It was a long day and I’ll try to review … Read more