NH Civics is at it Again…Now They Want to Promote Group Therapy for Children in Public Schools

With the desperate call to improve Civics Education for students in New Hampshire, you would think one of the most prominent Civics organizations would be at the forefront of making sure our students are literate in this important subject.

NH Civics Hires Diversity and Equity Community Organizer as Executive Director

I think everyone can agree that Civics education in America is suffering. Graduating students cannot answer basic questions on Civics.  But there is a debate on how to improve Civics education for k-12 students.

NH Civics? A Front for Radical Leftism in the New Hampshire Classrooms?

NH Civics in New Hampshire includes this statement on its website: “To develop, nurture, and maintain an informed, engaged, and civil New Hampshire citizenry.” That doesn’t sound too bad.

Night Cap: Is The Goal of CIVICS Education in NH Public Schools To Focus on Implicit Bias?

On Thursday, May 9th, the Hillsborough County DEI Committee will host a professional development workshop, “Unwrapping Implicit Bias,” featuring facilitator Allyson Ryder, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at the UNH Cooperative Extension/Hillsborough County, 329 Mast Road, Goffstown, NH.

NH Flag

New Law in NH Requires Passing a Civics Competency Exam to Graduate

Governor Chris Sununu signed hasHB320 into law.  “An Act requiring a civics competency assessment as a high school graduation requirement.” If you cant pass the civics exam, you don’t get your diploma.

douglas ley

Why is a NH State Rep and President of a Teachers Union Advocating Civics Illiteracy?

The New Hampshire House just advanced a bill that would require college students to pass the civics naturalization test as part of their diploma requirements. A similar bill recently passed the New Hampshire House requiring this of High School students too.

Citizenship test

NH School Administrators Assoc. Advocating ILLITERACY in Civics?

Yesterday, Representative Mike Moffett introduced HB 320 to the House Education Committee. AN ACT requiring a civics competency assessment as a high school graduation requirement. This legislation would require all students graduating from a NH High School to pass the U.S. Citizenship test.

sanctuary cities being used as sanctuaries

I Had the Chance to Ask Both NH Republican Gubernatorial Candidates This Question …

Sunday, Norm held a “Pre-4th of July” party at his home (for a select group of Conservative political activists as well as a few politicians), high over Lake Winnipesaukee, which allows views from Wolfeboro to Alton. Both Chuck Morse and Kelly Ayotte, who are running for the Republican nomination for Governor, were among those invited.

Want to See “Action Civics” On Display? Look at Our College Campuses

Many of us have offered repeated warnings about the focus on action civics in our schools versus a focus on academic content knowledge. The violence and anger directed at Jews we are seeing on college campuses, is what students across America have been taught.

SDGA logo 2

SDGANH Conversation, Continued …

This is a continuation of Skip’s post, addressing Kevin Verville’s original email comments on my post and other comments made by people (whose identities will be kept private) who joined in on that thread.  Thanks to everyone who did!

Dumbing Down Public Ed in NH: FULL STEAM AHEAD with Competency Based Education

Competency-Based Education (CBE) is a fundamental shift away from a knowledge-based education to a workforce training model. It was said during the Obama administration that he was going to redesign public education. Most people had no idea what he meant, but education researchers knew exactly what he intended to do to public schools across America. … Read more

School Teacher Indoctrination

NAEP 2022 US History and Civics Are In: “Revealing Low Confidence in Civics Knowledge”

Often called “The Nation’s Report Card” it measures various subjects like Arts, Civics, Economics, Geography, Mathematics, Reading, Science, US History, and Writing. Given that we are political bloggers here at GraniteGrok, when this came in from the NH Department of Education, I took a look because the title of the email had this: NAEP releases … Read more

USS Raleigh Burning NH State Flag

Is it Time for a Citizen Attorney General in NH?

James Madison wrote in The Federalist #48 that he worried about what he called; “the weakness of parchment barriers” to protect the liberties and property of people when the government increasingly draws all power into its vortex.

Convention of States

Rebuttal by NH Convention Of States to CNHT.Org letter of Feb 28th

It is with great sadness I read your unbalanced commentary and misrepresentation of the facts on HCR1 in your Feb 26 article. (GOOD NEWS HCR1 defeated by Brave #22 Republicans ).

NH House NH Hall of Representatives in session GraniteGrok Judy Aron

NH State Rep Carol McGuire – Your State House 09/17/22: Legislative Work Begins Anew

This Tuesday, I had the pleasure of meeting many of you at the polls in the primary election. Thanks to you, I will be on the ballot in November and hope to have the pleasure of representing you in Concord for the next two years.

US Capitol - caution Original Photo by Andy Feliciotti on Unsplash

URGENT CALL TO ACTION: Bogus ‘Civics’ Bill Will Push CRT on States

Stanley Kurtz has been sounding the alarm when it comes to the Feds pushing Critical Race Theory on States.  Kurtz warns:

Citizens For Belknap - there I fixed it for ya!

A Letter to Editor (Laconia Daily Sun): A Response to Mike Kitch (7/12/22) Where He Tries to Drag NH State Rep Gregg Hough but Suffers a Faceplant.

Well, since Michael Kitch is seemingly starting a media barrage against the Conservative NH State Reps in the Belknap County Delegation (he has another LtE today and so does his ideological brother, sr. advisor to the Citizens for Belknap, I figured I should go to that battleground and correct the former Sun reporter. So I … Read more

Brodie Deshaies with 4 wheeler

So, NH State Rep Brodie Deshaies (R-Wolfboro)? Why Aren’t You Telling the Entire Truth during Your Re-Election Stumping?

Presenting yourself as something you’re not isn’t exactly being transparent, or so it seems to me.  There do seem to be a bunch of Republican-sponsored or favored bills.  I think that the word “schoolie” (one who supports Government schools only because they support Government monopolies) applies in your case. It would be “interesting” to see … Read more

Girls book reading study education

A Step Forward For Literacy in NH: Who is Helping and Who is Not

As a parental rights advocate in New Hampshire that focuses on literacy and academic achievement, you would think that I would have numerous allies supporting the same agenda. Sadly, that’s just not true.

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Imagine for a Moment, a NH without a State Senate

My understanding of civics is that our federal government has a senate (2 per state) to offset the big states (such as California’s 55 reps to NH’s 2) in the House.