What if Parents ask Gun-Related Questions, Comrade Mrs Newman?

My reps and two-time opponents, Comrades Mr & Mrs Newman, have a history of ignoring emails. Normally, I don’t email them, but my personal email history with them started in October 2021 following the executive council arrests. With them and the Damn Emperor being on opposite sides of the aisle (on paper, at least), I mistakenly thought conversation could be had about that incident.

I even followed up about a week or two later to no avail.  Then several months later, my help was requested in a project to email reps about a secession-related bill.  I pointed out to the presently embattled project manager how misrepresented I am in the House, but I was still encouraged to do so just the same in order to go on record.  I agreed and was ignored by the Newmans though Comrade Mrs Newman has said “hi” to me in person a few times, both at the archives and the state house dining room.

Since the Parental Bill of Rights was/is a flagship issue in the legislature, I wanted to play the good soldier and do my part even though I don’t have kids.  This issue, after all, is about my fellow teammates’ most precious commodity, their kids.  “Kids are the future,” we all hear, and therefore everyone’s kids are MY future.  Game on!  However, I chose to retool my subject line.  Instead of “vote yes on SB 272,” I crafted a title that didn’t include HB or SB or yes or no.  I called it a civics message and sent it to all 3 of my reps.  This was in the spring of last year and one of them, Linda Ryan, is a freshman.  Linda was obviously not yet “schooled” by the Newmans on ignoring emails and replied-all rather promptly with a friendly though uncommitted answer.  I’m sure Comrade Mrs. Newman was not pleased and later gave Linda a talking-to in private, but Mrs. Newman replied-all after Linda’s reply with a polite but useless answer.  I replied all, thanking both of them for their answers and offering additional talking points, and pointing out that I hadn’t yet received a reply from Comrade Mr Newman.  He has never replied to any of my emails, ever.

So here we are with the repackaged SB341 now in the House and I did my duty in emailing all 3 of them on 4/24 the following words:

As parents, you most certainly wouldn’t appreciate being lied to, especially by faculty and staff of schools your kids attended.  And I give your kids the benefit of the doubt that they wouldn’t want that either with your grandchildren yet you voted the wrong way last year on both HB 10 and SB 272.
As your constituent and per Article 32 of the NH Constitution, I am giving you instructions to vote OTP on SB 341.  Please do a good turn and vote in a manner that actually represents Ward 2 parents instead of the bidding of the NTU.

And I received a reply from Comrade Mrs Newman one week later, saying the following: Hi Julie –  Thanks for the email. Looks like we’re going to  have to agree to disagree on this bill, though.    Sue 

The Newmans are Bloomberg-funded staunch gun grabbers.  He’s on the Criminal Justice committee, which receives all gun bills, and she’s on Public Works but attends all gun bill hearings, often speaking anti-gun rhetoric into the mic while her muzzled husband listens from the head table.  If you look up their NH dot gov home pages, you will see that they’re family people; parents and grandparents.  I will also add that one or both of them were on the school board before becoming reps.  Another one of their constituents, Alderman Dowd, also came from that very same body.  It’s a cultivating ground for higher office evil that ails Nashua.

Considering that many swamp rats everywhere in a variety of offices just stay there until death occurs, I sadly don’t see them returning to private citizenry anytime soon.  So why repeat the same unproductive behavior (emailing them the ordinary way) and expect different results?  Einstein wouldn’t.  As Dinosaur D’Allesandro, a senate example of what I just noted, told the media about Defend the Guard, “It’s going to just keep on coming up, over and over again, in the future.”  The same can be said about parental rights and guns, so both issues should be fused together when emailing Comrade Mrs. Newman, who is clearly the Ward 2 Alpha swamp rat.  She needs to be asked, in your own words, if she would still support school secrecy to parents if their inquiries were gun-related.


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