This Is How Our Country Will Fall – From The Inside Out, Deliberately


A recent survey from the Annenberg Public Policy Center shows that roughly one-third of adult Americans are unable to name the three branches of the federal government.

We are so screwed – and the Progressives are very happy over that factoid.

Ann Marie Banfield has sounded the alarm on the DEI-infused Progressive group called NH Civics that isn’t really about American traditional Civics (as in how should both our fellow citizens view Government, how it is structured, and how things are supposed to work) at all. You can read her stuff here, here, here, here, and here. Further, I posted the NAEP Civics results that the NH Dept of Ed had sent out: “NAEP releases 2022 U.S. History and Civics results, revealing low confidence in civics knowledge.”

Without knowing how America is to work, well, it’s anything goes time. Anything is possible when our citizens have NO idea what is correct and what is smoke being blown up their posteriors when it comes to, pretty much, running the government. Look at all of the low civics knowledge voters that the Democrats are trying to influence by stating they can impose Ethics constraints on the Supreme Court or that to nullify passed laws, a certain percentage of Justices must agree.

Neither is correct – in the Constitution, SCOTUS is a co-equal branch of the American Government, and Congress can do no such thing. Of COURSE, Democrats US Senators Schumer and Wydman are campaigning on their bill to do just that (and pack the court), KNOWING that 1) the Constitutional doesn’t allow it and 2) most voters have no idea after all the demonization and making SCOTUS seem to politically partisan and don’t know our Constitution themselves, they’ll vote for them.

Like when former US Senator Harry Reid proclaimed that Mitt Romney didn’t pay taxes and confessed after the election that he did it on purpose, saying, “But it worked, didn’t it?” Misinformation and Disinformation by our elected leaders? Say it ain’t so!

But as it often seems, I’ve digressed again. From Campus Reform, a synopsis of the Annenberg Public Policy Center on the current state of Civics knowledge among adult citizens:

  • Roughly 50 percent of adults know which party has a majority control of the Senate and the House of Representatives.
  • Only 65 percent of U.S. adults were able to name each of the three branches of the government. 
  • First Amendment, 74 percent of adult respondents were able to list freedom of speech as being one of the rights. However, four other rights guaranteed under the First Amendment, including freedom of religion, was only Listed by 39 percent of the respondents. 
    • Less than a third of Adult Americans listed freedom of the press as being a right under the First Amendment.
    • Only 27 percent stated the right to assembly
    • Only 11 percent stated the right to petition the government. 

How can you hold the Government accountable when you don’t know what it CAN’T do to you?

In my two-year battle against the Gilford School Board, that was the issue—how can a mere subdivision of a State’s policy override both the US and NH Constitutions when it comes to Free Speech? And the complete disaster of them forcing staff members to lie to Parents?


  • 73 percent of U.S. adults were able to identify that a decision is law following after a 5-4 Supreme Court ruling.
  • However, 13 percent stated that after a 5-4 decision, it is sent back to Congress for approval, as well as 13 percent saying the decision then goes to the federal court of appeals. 
  • 77 percent of the respondents also stated their support for the creation of a code of ethics for the Supreme Court.
  • 69 percent were in favor of age-based term limits for Supreme Court justices.
  • 29 percent supported packing the court beyond the current nine justices who sit on the court now. 

Only that last one is in the US Constitution.

Certainly not a code of Ethics (which would be amusing for SCOTUS to slap Congress in the keister for even trying to pull such a PR Stunt. Would the Senate, House, or President allow SCOTUS to return the favor? Of course not – and rightly so.

ONLY 3/4ths of citizens know it goes to law. The rest of the ding-a-lings believe that some other entity has to approve SCOTUS’s decisions. This is proof that the US Senate and House Democrats are playing the voters because the voters don’t know any better.

If AMERICANS don’t know our own history, form of government, and governing philosophy, how can there EVER be any hope of assimilation of immigrants, especially illegal ones that have no sense of OUR culture?

Or is that the point of Democrats to co-opt them for eternal Power?


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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