House Session 3-13-25

So Kids, What Did We Learn From This Week’s House Session (3/13/25)?

We learned it was another long day in the NH House as we dealt with 41 bills. In attendance were roughly 204 Republicans and 171 Democrats in the House. Our docket of bills included some that supported the Republican pledge to voters in the “Contract with New Hampshire” ( and you will likely see more … Read more

House Session 3-6-25

So Kids, What Did We Learn From This Week’s House Session (3/6/25)?

We learned it was quite a long day as we dealt with 42 bills and approved HR17, the budget unrestricted revenue estimates from the Ways and Means committee. In attendance were roughly 207 Republicans and 165 Democrats in the House. Given that roster of House bills I’ll be reporting on some interesting bills as well … Read more

House Session 2-13-25

So Kids, What Did We Learn From This Week’s House Session (2/13/25)?

Today we began the day with a joint legislative session with the Senate to hear the Governor’s budget presentation. We learned that the Governor delivered to the House and Senate a budget that allocates more money to education and communities, contains no new tax increases, and focuses on the housing crisis and supports law enforcement. … Read more

House session 05-30-24

So Kids, What Did We Learn From This Week’s House Session (5/30/24)?

Today, we learned that we voted either Concur, Non-Concur, or Non-Concur with Committee of Conference (CoC) on 93 House bills and 20 Senate bills. Most bills passed the recommended motion of the committee chair with a voice vote. Some bills and their amendments were debated, and others were voted on with just a brief explanation of what the Senate’s fingerprints… I mean, amendments… were tacked onto the bills.

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House Session 5-2-24

So Kids, What Did We Learn From This Week’s House Session (5/2/24)?

We learned that when Republicans do not show up, it can be a pretty disappointing day in the House. Additionally, the same thing happens when we have a few person advantage and a handful of “Republicans” vote along with House Democrats to kill perfectly good bills, and conversely pass pretty awful ones. If you know some good Conservatives in your district, please urge them to sign up to run in June.

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NH House 2-22-24

So Kids, What Did We Learn From This Week’s House Session (2/22/24)?

We learned that we were able to get through reconsideration of HB154 (reconsideration failed), 44 regular calendar bills and 1 bill pulled off consent, between 9 am and 5:30 pm, with an hour for lunch (thankfully provided by the NH Nurses Association). Everyone was prepared to stay much longer into the evening, but speeches were relatively short, and we had a nice amount of voice votes on bills, too!

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