GrokTALK! 9-7-2013 Segment Four – Chasing Squirrels: Poland, Debt Crisis, Cloward Piven, Federalism and More…

In the final Segment Skip, Mike, Ed and Steve set the squirrels loose in an open format discussion that touches on Poland’s debt crisis and their decision to confiscate pensions so they can buy more debt; how the US is likley to play a similar hand to deal with its likely fiscal collapse; Cloward Piven; … Read more

Rotten to the Core

Common Core : Opposition is gaining steam, as more of us learn what it’s about and see the ugliness it brings to the American system of education; but more attention and action is required, before it’s too late… It’s pretty well established that the quality of our kids’ education has degraded over the past few … Read more

From the March on Washington: I did not know these were “Rights”!

Discouraging is the word that immediately came to mind – do these Know-Nothings actually know what is in the US Constitution?  Or has pop culture, a skin-deep only knowledge of civics, and our failing educational system (and its corresponding curriculum turn away from teaching our history to the next generations) finally given us nincompoops?  Did … Read more

Where Ann “Onward” McKluster Pretends She’s Obama

Ann Kuster wasn’t around to vote for the sequestration, or any continuing resolutions, nor was she there to watch as Democrats refused to send a budget to their Democrat president, but she already knows it’s not her fault. Here’s most of the turd of an email she left in my in-box (I took out all … Read more

I,________, do solemnly swear, that I will bear faith and true allegiance to the ‘Guidelines?’

Has ignorance reared its ugly head again in the New Hampshire Legislature   Yeah, yeah, more times per day than we could count with all those people there.  Actually, I’m referring to Debra DeSimone, Rockingham 14 who seems to have a questionable view of her relationship to the constitution. According to Ms. De Simone, the constitution is really just a guideline … Read more

The Left’s War on Education

The left’s objection to even one tax dollar finding its way into the hands of a church is legion.  It is (apparently) a matter of even greater concern that we might engage in tax policy that accidentally encourages others–by allowing them to keep more of their own money–to give some of it to a religious … Read more

Quick riff off Scott: Secession By Atrophy

He is right – we are seeing patches of America that are degenerating into some kind of ThunderDome dystopia.  We do have places, especially in our urban areas, that rival any banana republic or third world nation landscape.  Victor Davis Hanson, a professor of the Classics and military history in the California university system, has … Read more

Facebook Doodlings – Why is it the job of the Feds to rehab 35,000 schools?

Yet another instance of spending time writing somewhere else instead of writing here, so, am double purposing yet again.  This thread from FB was from Sept (yeah, catching up as always) when Obama wanted to spend $25 Billion (more of what we don’t have) to rehab up to 35,000.  Once again the question must be … Read more

GrokTALK! – Podcast page for 06/11/11

Podcast – week of 06/11/11 GrokTALK! Streaming Live! from GraniteGrok To play (or "stream") a clip now, just click on it.  To download it to your PC, right click on it and tell the process where to save the file for you. When we are live – join in at either or call us … Read more

NEA – Get the Family and Religion OUT OF HERE!

You know, if these kinds of things keep happening, somebody’s gonna scratch the "Great" out of that tag line.  Heck, with this starting to be a pattern instead of a outlier, people are right to really start asking their local NEA union heads, their Superintendents, and their School Boards seriously hard questions.   I wrote here … Read more

This is what happens when the Teachers want to play politics instead of teach: “Celebrate Reading Day’’

Yeah, NEA-NH is "all for the children" especially when it allows them to play politics instead of concentrating on reading, writing, and ‘rithmetic (will withhold snarky comments on provable results concerning the last three).  From DiStaso’s column: Now that the state’s largest teachers unions, NEA-NH, has pulled the plug on its Read Across America event, … Read more

Kids can say the darndest things – sometimes, FAR better than the average adult…

Contest time! OK, am running WAY behind on a LOT of stuff – this is one I don’t wish to.  This past Tuesday, GraniteGrok covered Ovide Lamontagne’s "Return To Red" event – think of it as a pep rally for NH Republicans.  I enjoyed it – but still have to process video and audio. Sidenote: … Read more

McCain Campaign Memo

John McCain in Wolfeboro, NH (GG file photo)   Here is the latest inside assessment of the status of the McCain campign as distributed in a "internal memo" to campaign leadership: INTERNAL MEMO To:                 Campaign Leadership From:              Rick Davis Subject:           McCain Message Date:                3/11/2008 John McCain is now the presumptive nominee of the Republican Party. It is … Read more

But they made the trains run on time…

Nobody disputes the fact that the National Socialists ruling Germany in the Thirties till the mid- Forties weren’t anything, if not efficient. Despite that, you don’t find many folks who would define that regime as "good" in any sense of the word. By now, everybody’s heard of the recent Pew Center study ranking the Granite … Read more


In response to criticism by NH GOP Chair Fergus Cullen to her vapid Davy Crockett speech, Carol Shea-Porter had this to say:  "If Fergus Cullen has the courage of his convictions, he should go enlist, because they’re having trouble meeting their quota. He’s young, he’s single and he’s healthy. If he needs to know where … Read more