City of Nashua seth-dewey-EOlo15oy8Ks-unsplash

Nashua’s Malicious Email Game

Late in the fall of 2023, the Supreme Court issued mandates that ordered the City of Nashua to follow the trial court’s order in two Right-to-Know (RTK) Petitions and produce emails stored on backup tape. The email records requested were for two months of specific records within Nashua’s assessing office.

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Hizzoner and the AG Disagree

On January 11, 2024, the AG’s office issued a Cease and Desist Order to Mayor Donchess for electioneering during the 2021 campaign. Electioneering is a criminal misdemeanor under RSA 659. That year, against the vote of the Board of Alderman, the Mayor led a ballot initiative to change how the police commissioners would be appointed.

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Musical Chairs

Remember how fun it was in grade school playing the game of musical chairs? You’d circle around the chairs to music and when the music stopped everyone had to grab a chair.  But, they were one short. Out went the kid who didn’t get the seat. It was a frantic, fun game that honed kids’ … Read more

City of Nashua seth-dewey-EOlo15oy8Ks-unsplash

Attorney’s Steve Bolton and Celia Leonard Exercise their First Amendment Rights – What About the Rights of the Nashua Citizens?

The City has hired Attorney Russell Hilliard to represent a Right to Know Petition alleging record violations within Director Cumming’s Economic Development office. Mr. Cumming built a publicly financed Art Center, denying the public access to financial and construction records, and installed barriers downtown without proper noticing of public meetings. Attorney Bolton and Attorney Leonard … Read more

Scales of justice gavel law court

“No” to Settlements in Nashua RTK Cases

Court Settlements in Nashua are done in bad faith and are unreasonable. They are a ploy to ring up legal bills and produce no records. A settlement is not an admission of guilt, so settling results in no real improvement in the process. (In Nashua, winning in Court has resulted in no real improvement, either.)

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Scales of justice gavel law court

Using Muddle to Win over the Court

The City of Nashua employs deliberately confusing tactics to win Right-to-Know Court cases. And they work. They scramble the records, provide incomplete responses and repeatedly request citizens clarify their written request for the records sought.

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