“Lawmakers Fatal Conceit on Recycling Should Be Trashed”

My hamlet has just decided to force mandatory recycling on everyone in town (and they didn’t have to. They could have just said that IF you are going to recycle, here’s where what stuff goes where.

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Notable Quote – F.A. Hayek

The whole conception of man, already endowed with a mind capable of conceiving civilization, set out to create that civilization as it was already preformed in his mind, is fundamentally false. Man does not simply impose upon nature a preformed mental pattern. His mind is itself a pattern constantly changing as a result of his … Read more

Sens. Hassan and Shaheen

Biden (In NH) Says He’d Pick a Republican Running Mate – Did He Forget He Put Two NH Sen. On That List?

Team Biden needs to stick to the same puppeteers. When they switch them up, he gets confused and says things. Like, when Biden said that he’d consider a Republican running mate. He’s in New Hampshire. Two of the four women he said he is considering for VP are Democrat US Senators from New Hampshire.

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Craig CeCe Telfer NCAA Womens Champsion

Franklin Pierce Senior Craig Telfer is Outsports “Female” Athlete of the Year

If you missed our earlier reporting on Craig Telfer, he won the NCAA Women’s Div II 400m hurdles. A B-team male athlete who, as a transwoman, beats the other girls with room to spare.

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Census Data Shows Another New Hampshire Win over the Rest of Northeast

In a mini tweetstorm, AFP-NH Executive director Greg Moore shared a raft of news regarding the Granite State. Most of it, good. We’re ‘growing’ by attracting people to come live and work here.

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Gilford logo

Tales from the Selectboard – “sure, ve haff der Power to make you verk for free fer der Recyling Center”

So last night was the Selectboard’s Public Meeting on the Recycling Center / Transfer Station: Rules, Regulations, and Fines.  And what fine Fines they are! Here’s the paperwork / package that was prepped for the meeting. Again, to set the stage, twice the Selectboard put in warrants for the money to build out this place: … Read more

Corey Lewandowski

I wonder how the suckers that contributed to “Stand with Corey” feel right about now?

His Twitter announcement can be seen here.  What a freaking waste of time since he said he was going to run; right up to the water’s edge and then refused to go. The harm has now been done to Bolduc and O’Brien as their funding froze up.  Messner seems to be self-funding so the specter … Read more

Coal? How DARE you!

How apropos! (H/T: Powerline)

Mayor Pete Buttigieg

Mayor Pete doesn’t think NH has enough of a drug problem! …

This is unbelievable: Mayor Pete Buttigieg Wants to Decriminalize ‘Meth, Coke, Ecstasy,’ Not Just Pot.

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Rest In Peace: Ken Gorrell

Word came from a variety of sources that one of the earliest contributors to GraniteGrok, Ken Gorrell, has perished in a fire at his home in Northfield: NORTHFIELD — A local man found in the fire-ravaged wreckage of his garage-turned-hobby-shop did not die as a result of the blaze, according to authorities. Firefighters were called … Read more

world ends in 2020

Ring in the New Year but Skip the Resolutions, The World is Ending…(again).

Stop the impeachment. No new taxes and forget the planned wage hikes. Don’t waste another breath or dime on Medicaid or any other program. The world is ending (again) in 2020. It’s over.

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Joe Biden Opposed “Irrational” Texas Gun Law that Saved Lives

Texas of all places had to pass a law to allow you to carry concealed in a place of worship. While there were probably a few folks violating any such restriction prior, Gov. Abbott’s signature opened the door to more of it, which just saved a lot of lives.

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Steve’s right so I’ll just leave this here for day dreaming…

That would be this from Steve: We’ve no reason to believe their run of bad luck will stop nor the predictions that make it possible. The byproduct of decades worth of socialist sympathizers (and actual socialists) pushing socialist solutions to advance socialism in the name of saving the planet (but not from socialism). Which is … Read more

An Open Letter to Jennifer Horn

“And that’s the real reason you’re a NeverTrumper, isn’t it, Jennifer? You like the limelight. You like the fawning enemedia attention praising you” AND SO I BEGIN… It’s been some years since I attended any NHGOP events. This absence has been a combination of both having higher priorities – family, for a large part – … Read more

Welcome to New Hampshire

On Jan 1st, Our Neighboring States are Helping New Hampshire’s Advantage Grow

Politicians in states all around New England think they are economic geniuses. They know how much an hour of labor is worth for every job, everywhere? No! They don’t. But that hubris is New Hampshire’s gain as the New Year looms, and they force the cost of labor higher.

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A few things I will never understand.

1. How 2 atoms smashing together created the galaxy, and as far as we know, infinite galaxies. I mean they are experimenting with this with the CERN accelerator and we don’t have more galaxies being made.

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media bias

Irony Alert: NPR Chooses ‘Disinformation’ as Its Word of the Year

Nancy Pelosi Radio (NPR) has announced its word of the year. Disinformation. It often appears in the “press” according to their reporting. But wait until you read the framework around which they base this. Make sure you are not drinking anything when you read it.

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Palate Cleanser: I’ve only had a couple of days where deer have hit me…

..but never a unicorn? That driver (heh!) out to be thanking their lucky stars that Unicorns explode into foamy colored bits instead of a carcass coming through your windshield. Oh wait – what’s the penalty for killing a Unicorn out of season?? You know those Govt hunting regulations, right?  Is there even a season for … Read more

I Miss The Old Jennifer Horn

I miss the old Jennifer Horn. When you were just starting out in politics in New Hampshire. You were reasonable and you had real Republican ideals. It is very disappointing to see such a decline from those principles over the years.

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Crime Scene tape

The Real Solution to “Gun Crime” isn’t Gun Free Zones, It’s Democrat Free Zones

In the pantheon of American cities with ‘Gun Sense’ (per the Shannon Watts, Mom’s Demand, Brady Ban, far left-gun grabbing elite), Baltimore ranks high. It should be one of the safest places on earth. Instead, it is one of the most dangerous places on earth.

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