Is Your Local School Board Breaking the Law?

Ann Marie Banfield, writing last week, pointed out that some school boards around the state pay membership dues to the New Hampshire School Board Association (NHSBA) which then lobbies the legislature. State law prohibits the School Board from using any taxpayer dollars (so no money from the school budget) to pay those “dues.”  It is … Read more

If it floats…

by Tom

Senator Lindsey Graham may have inadvertently tapped into the Democrats’ new strategy for discrediting Judge Brett Kavanaugh (or the nominee Trump presents next when Ruth Bader Ginsburg (age 85) punches out later this year). Plan-A: Falsely accuse the nominee of sexual misconduct 30+ years ago (failed) Plan-B: Character assassination for behavior (drinking beer) 30+ years … Read more

Steve Negron Congress

Steve Negron Unveils Veterans and Military Families for New Hampshire Coalition

Press Release FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 4, 2018 Contact: Roger Wilkins, 603-864-8633 Steve Negron Unveils Veterans and Military Families for New Hampshire Coalition Nashua, NH – Steve Negron, a U.S. Air Force veteran and small business owner, unveiled his Veterans and Military Families for New Hampshire Coalition with over 130 United States members. Previously … Read more

A fisking of US Senator Jeff Flake on the SCOTUS hearings

by Skip

Two fortunate things came together – I found the charging cord to my Zoom Q4 camera (literally handsized) and found out that it makes a great camera with which to yank off clips from the TV (DVR’d of course) and that US Senator Jeff Flake decided to show up at St Anselm’s Institute of Politics this past Monday Night.  Of course, WMUR just HAD (in their drift leftward) had to cover this “Conservative” who, they touted, derailed the confirmation of Brett Kavanuagh to the Supreme Court (even if just for a little mite of time).  Of course, Flake is all pleased with himself and he made that quite clear to all.  For not much at all, IMHO; let the fisking begin:

Oh, that picture and “who is that in that red circle?”.  Note to Jeff Flake:

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Quick Thought: Sorry, wrong number…

by Skip

Heh! Just got this texted to me:

Hi Kevin, this is Benjamin with Mainers for Accountable Leadership, the Maine People’s Alliance, and Be A Hero. I’m writing today to talk to Mainers about stopping the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh, the anti-healthcare, anti-choice Supreme Court nominee. Susan Collins is key to stopping him. And that is where you come in! Will you pledge to help get Susan Collins out of office in 2020 if she doesn’t stand with us and protect Mainers?

My response:

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Notable Quote – Samuel Adams

“The liberties of our country, the freedom of our civil Constitution, are worth defending at all hazards; and it is our duty to defend them against all attacks. We have received them as a fair inheritance from our worthy ancestors: they purchased them for us with toil and danger and expense of treasure and blood, … Read more

Blogline of the Day:

by Skip

This is how the Left works: by covering its attack on the past by using the values of the present in order to command the dialogue of the future. The essence of Christianity is forgiveness, but clearly George Washington and Thomas Jefferson must be made to suffer for their sins, even if they weren’t regarded … Read more

Notable Quote – Samuel Adams

by Skip

Jacqueline Blaszka Campbell falls into this failure: “A general dissolution of principles and manners will more surely overthrow the liberties of America than the whole force of the common enemy. While the people are virtuous they cannot be subdued; but when once they lose their virtue then will be ready to surrender their liberties to … Read more

by Skip


UPDATEThe GOOD thing is that because of all of you readers and contributors, we raised $3,000;   That struck out sentence is now wrong – it is now $4,000; a thousand dollars came in overnight!!!!  I can’t tell or express myself well enough to tell you how grateful this ordinary schlub from central NH is for all of you.


You will be seeing that image quite a bit, perhaps, in the near future – a new website is coming as I’ve just “pulled the trigger”. Why?

We are getting exploited by known hacks in the older version of WP (at least, that’s what I’m being told) that we are on. Our hosting company has looked and scanned things over and we did even a did database RESTORES in trying to move backwards to get rid of the malware.  Unfortunately, nothing we’ve tried has worked.  Add to that, I don’t have the skills to crawl over our WordPress CMS (Content Management System that drives GraniteGrok) to hunt down and kill the crap that need killing (I could have when I built GraniteGrok 1.0 on Moveable Type but that’s long gone now).  The base problem is that we need a rebuild of the site to get it up to rev again.

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Notable Quote – David Cole

by Skip

David Hogg 1“The bullies never go after people they can’t break, because to do so would make them look weak and impotent.”

On the outlook and actions of the Left:

But in the real world, there are times when one simply should not beg. And you’ll know those times by the character of your foe. If you’re up against the kind of monster who derives pleasure from hearing people plead for mercy, that’s when you cannot, must not, beg.

Today’s social justice leftists operate very much like that fictional serial killer. Their intended victims are people, sometimes in the public eye, sometimes average folks, who have written or said things that leftists find offensive. And if they mark you as an enemy, they will use every tool in their arsenal to destroy your life. If you have a job, they’ll try to get you fired. If you have a reputation, they’ll try to tarnish it. If you have a business venture, they’ll try to bankrupt it. If you have an online presence, they’ll try to get you banned from all platforms.

And certainly we (collectively and in some cases, individually) at the ‘Grok over the years have been subjected to this virtual “killing” simply for one and only one reason: we simply speak our minds and the Left hates it and looks for any opportunity for “a silencing”.

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Did Dennis Senibaldi violate Election law as a Windham Town Employee?

joanisrekartsenibaldiBUMPED (from 3/27/15): Ah now, we’re getting a tad closer as to the activities of one Dennis Senibaldi last month during Windham’s town elections. No, not quite the same but of the same nature. More soon! -Skip


During the recent Windham School Board elections there was a photo posted on Mike Joanis’ campaign Facebook page at the Windham Transfer Station that shows he and Jerome Rekart campaigning with a photo of Dennis Senibaldi. No big deal right?

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Did Windham’s Dennis Senibaldi violate the state computer crime law?


BUMPED: First posted on 3/24/15. Well, it seems that Dennis Senibaldi may have gotten himself into a peck of a place during this past election – and I’m not just talking about the blizzard we got. Our intrepid Kimberly was all over this – and it makes a great reminder of what current School Board member (and Windham Transfer Station guy) did – and how he may have acted during this just past election (birdies, birdies – they all tweet at me!). -Skip


There is new information concerning the shenanigans pulled by Windham School Board member Dennis Senibaldi last week during the school board meeting.

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Notable Quote – Bob Higgs

by Skip

Socialism’s greatest appeal springs from its promise of economic equality. Many people, upon their first encounter with the ideology, find this promise the very heart and soul of justice. Yet, completely apart from whether such an outcome could or would ever be attained in practice, a great and insuperable problem remains: in a world where … Read more

Notable Quote – Ammo Grrrll

by Skip

Stop mocking kids - powerline blogEvery Friday a necessary read for me is Ammo Grrrll – a retired comedienne with a lovely sense of dry humor and lots of great turn of phrases. This Friday’s column was concerning the Parkland Kiddies; you know, “first I’m a high level Progressive Activist destroying peoples lives” – and when criticized – “How dare you pick on me, I’m a child!”:

But know this: the gun control despots will NEVER give up, as we can see with the well-financed Brain-Dead Blathering Teen Tour.

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Notable Quote – Thomas Jefferson

by Skip

The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes…. Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be … Read more

Notable Quote – Kevin Williamson

by Skip

“The difference between communism and socialism is that under socialism central planning ends with a gun in your face, whereas under communism central planning begins with a gun in your face.” –Kevin Williamson (writer, author) (H/T: The Truth About Guns) And Susan notes:

Notable Quote – Frederick Douglass

by Skip

Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them, and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those … Read more

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