Franklin Pierce Senior Craig Telfer Wins NCAA Division II Women’s 400-Meter Hurdle - Granite Grok

Franklin Pierce Senior Craig Telfer Wins NCAA Division II Women’s 400-Meter Hurdle

Craig CeCe Telfer NCAA Womens Champsion

The destruction of women’s sports continues to the applause and praise of idiots. Like Franklin Pierce University, which can’t be more ‘proud’ of Craig CeCe Telfer. A lousy male track and field star who was losing (badly) in the men’s event last year, but this year is an NCAA Women’s Champion.

Related: Boys Will Be Girls – The Democrat War on “Women’s Sports”

In the 400 meter hurdles, Cece Telfer (formerly Craig Telfer), a senior from Franklin Pierce University, blew away the rest of the eight-person field, finishing nearly two seconds ahead of the second-place athlete

The NCAA allowed Craig to compete because he’d been taking testosterone blockers since he came in second to last in the identical men’s competition the previous year. They believe that makes him eligible to compete as a woman.

According to medical experts on this issue, the assumption that a transgender woman competing on a women’s team would have a competitive advantage outside the range of performance and competitive advantage or disadvantage that already exists among female athletes is not supported by evidence.”

Tell that to the seven young women he smoked on the track.

| HotAir
