Women during Maos cultural revolution

You May Not Be, But I Am Scared … Quite Scared … of Sherry Frost, Wendy Thomas (and most of the rest of the NH-“Democrats”) … And You Should Be Too … Because They Are COMMUNISTS

I meant to have posted this last week, in response to Steve’s post Proof That Democrats Sherry Frost and Wendy Thomas Are Not Only Not Badass, They Are Afraid Of Republicans but did not have time. So I apologize for the untimeliness. Also, I want to make it clear that I do not disagree with … Read more

Murphy rung stack thomas

Merrimack State Rep Wendy Thomas Makes a Fool Only of Herself

I previously posted about Merrimack’s DemocRAT State Rep -Phony “Water-Warrior”- Wendy Thomas … whose campaign was all about safe-water but who revealed herself after getting elected as a hard-Left extremist whose goal is to “smash the patriarchy” … here. Sorry to use the hackneyed phrase “sunk to a new low,” but Phony Water-Warrior Wendy sunk … Read more

Murphy rung stack thomas

State Rep Wendy Thomas – A Total Fraud

This from earlier this week: I though to myself when I saw this tweet that Thomas’ tweets before the election said nothing about “smashing the patriarchy,” but rather were all about safe-water. So I searched her timeline. Which confirmed my recollection. A sampling: Indeed, after the election Thomas attributed her victory to running as a … Read more

What Does NH Democrat Rep. Wendy Thomas Have Against Religious Schools?

Merrimack, New Hampshire Democrat Wendy Thomas recently showed her support for a form of religious bigotry by liking a tweet responding to a local news piece about New Hampshire’s Education Scholarship Tax Credit. The tweeter wrote, “repeal this abomination of a “scholarship” and keep public school money where it belongs.”

Map States with smaller population than LA County

Monday Mid-Day Meme Storm

Do you ever find yourself with a bunch of memes you want to share but sharing them one at a time might take a while (or just annoy your followers?) Well, this is that.

The Daily ‘Grok – it still is rather amusing…Hi DSCC!

Hi guys, glad to see you again! Oh, did I just say something unPC by using ‘guys’ instead of the now demanded ‘folks’? Too bad for you who have to read us – just smarten up, willya? I briefly noted before (“Sometimes We Get Surprising Things Back From the Daily ‘Grok Eblasts“) that the Democrat … Read more