98% of NH Democrats Vote to Protect Warrant-less Searches

Fish and Game officers in New Hampshire are free to perform a wide range of warrant-less searches. Almost nothing you own is protected from a search if they invoke probable cause. That means “because they feel like it.” House Bill 282 sought to limit that abuse. But 98% of elected NH House Democrats are comfortable with … Read more

How Did Merrimack NH House Reps Vote this Past Week?

The Town of Merrimack has something it has never had in all the years I have lived here. More than one Democrat in the New Hampshire House.  We may have two at one time. But with eights seats to fill, for the first time I can recall, Merrimack sent four Democrats to Concord. It might … Read more

NH House Votes to Expand Medicaid – Here are the Ugly Details

By a vote of 207 to 136 the NH House advanced Obama Care Medicaid Expansion legislation that will inevitably lead to a broad-based income or sales tax in the Granite State. We’ve talked about the expansion, the effects, consequences, and costs already, so let’s get down to the votes. Who, in the NH House, just … Read more

Merrimack, NH House Republicans !!! (Full Roll Call Added)

I just wanted to drop a quick  note to all my Republican House Reps from Merrimack, New Hampshire: The small government, conservative vote on SB 30 was NO. The Freshman legislator, Josh Moore, is the only one from my town who got it “right.” House Rep Party County District Vote Balcom, John Republican Hillsborough 21 … Read more

Another Republican calls it quits.

Thomas Crown, a former director at Red State, makes it clear why.  I counsel you to go read the whole thing (reformatted and emphasis mine): The Republican Party was founded on the principle that all human beings are possessed of inherent dignity. In some manner or another, for one hundred and fifty years and more, … Read more

Carol-Shea Pay to Play?

Last week on GrokTALK! I remarked on a site that tracked donations to votes in congress and how New Hampshire Congress Person Carol Shea-Porter had a remarkable record.  Remarkable in that 93 percent of Carol-Shea Pay to Play’s votes could be correlated with cash donations to her Campaign within 30 days of her vote. Out … Read more

192 Knee-Jerk ,Cell-Phone Banning Nannies

HB1360 (Relative to using certain electronic devices while driving) is HB1117’s cell phone ban twin, and 192 New Hampshire House reps voted in favor of it last week, even though there is no evidence it would make any difference–unless inconveniencing everyone, all the time, was the difference they were hoping to make. NHTSA – Most … Read more

Establishing a committee to study the correlation between current New Hampshire law and the low violent crime rate in this state.

The process of ending HB 1589 began with the vote to amend the bill and turn it into a committee to…  study the correlation between current New Hampshire law and the low violent crime rate in this state. Democrats cry, and whine, and demand, and spout their talking points about guns and background checks, misrepresenting … Read more

NH Democrat Majority House – Yes, Let’s Give Illegal Alien’s Taxpayer Supported In-State Tuition Rates

The vote has been cast.   New Hampshire Democrats want you to finance in-state tuition for illegal immigrants. Slap! (Full breakdown of the Roll Call available on the jump) HB 474 passed 188 Yea 155 Nay, with 8 “republicans” joining the Democrat majority.  The usual suspects, of course, Kidder, Gargasz, Lockwood, and a few others. It … Read more

Honoring your Oath? Others seem to believe your oath to the Constitution is not mere words. Here’s another one: Accountability

Accountability – a most hated word in politics.  Oh sure, whoever the Political Class doesn’t like will be held to such (after all, they wield the power).  But they never like it when the masses play the “turnabout fair play” game (or journalists, from what I seem, but I repeat myself as many in journalism … Read more

Anti-Second Amendment Granite State Pediatricians

“If I could have banned them all – ‘Mr. and Mrs. America turn in your guns’ – I would have!”—Diane Feinstein The list below are all the pediatricians who signed onto the February 3, 2013 Open letter in the New Hampshire Union Leader Sunday News. Gwendolyn “Wendy” Gladstone, MD Elizabeth R Brown, MD, FAAP Gilbert … Read more

Dem NH Majority Votes To Kill School Scholarship Program

Children and poor families hit hardest So which Republicans’ voted against private scholarships for poor kids in New Hampshire? Ann Marie Banfield provided a list, with contact info, and reminds us (On Facebook), a vote against will actually cost taxpayers more.  (I talked about it here yesterday.) The HB370 (repeal) passed 188 to 155 and … Read more

A real life “Life of Julia” – save me, Government, from myself!

“A FEW years ago, I awoke at 2:30 a.m. to more than a “rapping, rapping at my chamber door.” It was a full-force pounding of a body trying to break into my little house in Washington, D.C. It was the sound and scenario that, as a single woman living alone, I feared more than spiders … Read more