The Daily ‘Grok – it still is rather amusing…Hi DSCC!

by Skip

Hi guys, glad to see you again! Oh, did I just say something unPC by using ‘guys’ instead of the now demanded ‘folks’? Too bad for you who have to read us – just smarten up, willya?

I briefly noted before (“Sometimes We Get Surprising Things Back From the Daily ‘Grok Eblasts“) that the Democrat Senate Campaign Committee (aka “DSCC”) is on our Daily ‘Grok eblast list. While we get a number of response emails from folks (mostly “out of the office” email responses – we oft considered ourselves an “office blogsite”), it is quite rare to get one that tells us that a political party is following us.

From: “Info” <>
To: “” <>
Sent: 3/29/2021 4:04:07 PM
Subject: Automatic reply: The Daily ‘Grok – 03/29/2021

Thank you for reaching out to the DSCC!

We truly appreciate your support to help elect Senate Democrats. Due to the large number of emails we receive each day, we are unable to personally respond to every message. Please see the below answers to some frequently asked questions that may be helpful to you.

To send a donation by check or money order:

I’ve deleted the rest. I’ve always said that I write about that which amuses me (or which causes my blood pressure to tell my meds to go take a VERY fast hike); this amuses me.

Sure, NH Democrats read us all the time – it seems that it is a mandatory read in that sense of “who are we writing about NOW?”. They just can’t help themselves (right Jan Schmidt, Debra Altschiller, Wendy Thomas, Deputy Dawg Shurtleff, Maggie “The Red” Hassan, and Grammy Shaheen? And lest I forget, Joyce “watch my facial mark move from one side of my face to the other” Craig as well).

Sidenote: Yeah, a loyal reader spotted the transmogrification movement and alerted us to its movement. A failure of their videographers, naturally but they decided that we were “sexists” for noticing (and tried to fundraise off it)? Is that just like Democrats? Poor outcomes from bad decisions (like her private pool club one and Wuflu) but anyone not “with” her is the one at fault. She decided to make the ad, she determined the videographers, she did the proofing, she said go – but we’re the baddies for noticing the goof up? Her entire term is summed up in that one ad. Wonder if she’ll run it again this election?

But to be reminded that GraniteGrok, this little ‘ole blog in a very small State, is worthy of being watched and monitored by the Democrats who Who Deal In Big Picture Analysis and Campaigns? It gave me another chuckle at their expense.

I would have thought that after Jean Shaheen won her campaign that they would have said “job done” and moved on. The fact that they haven’t should be cause for alarm for Maggie Hassan (The Red). At what point will they consider her a lost cause and REALLY move on?


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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