Facebook-Censored Social media, Shadow-banning

Candace Owens is Suing Facebook’s Fact Checkers

Candace Owens has stepped up and taken one for the team. Well, not the team. Social media’s so-called independent fact-checkers are none of the above. They create facts you never asserted and even fact-check your opinion. Owens has had enough; she’s suing.

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Fact Workers

I think I was in college when I saw Ted Koppel interview Ferdinand Marcos about some riots that were happening in the Philippines.  The interview began with some video of the riots, and then Koppel began to ask Marcos about his government’s response to them.  Marcos just looked at him blankly, and said:  ‘There were … Read more

Facebook smartphone

Facebook Accused of Discriminating Against American Workers

It’s nice to wake up to happy news, and there’s so little of it, but we’ve got this. Facebook, maybe you’ve heard of them, is being sued by the Feds. No, not for violating section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. No, not for suppressing speech rights. They are charged with giving jobs Americans will … Read more

Facebook and Twitter impose censorship.

Facebook and Twitter Impose Censorship

Last week we saw Facebook and Twitter impose censorship on a New York Post story. The story is regarding Hunter Biden. Facebook has an audience of 2.7 billion people worldwide. Twitter is the largest news source worldwide today.