
From Christopher Steele’s Drunk Russian Sub-Source With Love

Most of the Russian Collusion scandal has disappeared from the spotlight, because the only version left to explore is the collusion of Russians, Democrats, and the media. But that has not stopped news from breaking. Like this tidbit about dossier-master Chris Steele’s Russian sub-source.

Michael Steele

Former RNC Chair Michael Steele Thinks Trump Supporters Are “Lice, Fleas, and the Blood-Sucking Ticks.”

I learned something new today. Former RNC chairman (2009-2011) Michael Steele (no known relation to Christopher of the fake Dossier) has a paid gig as a political analyst at MSNBC. So, while Christopher got paid to collect lies, Michael gets paid to create them. And he does.

Trump Manch Aug

“Russiagate Source” was a Clinton Campaign Operative Laundering Lies Through Igor Danchenko to Steele

The Donald Trump fake “Russian Collusion” story just got a bit weirder, especially for Democrats who continue to treat the scandal as real. The Steele Dossier, loaded with fake collusion myths between Trump and Russia, was not sourced from Russians or Kremlin insiders.

The Steele Dossier Was False and the FBI Knew.

The Steele Dossier Was False and the FBI Knew

The Steele dossier was false and the FBI knew it was false before using it to get warrants. This is now provable in court. Friday the government declassified footnotes in Justice Department Inspector General’s report.

What Does it Mean if the Steele Dossier Was Written by the Russians?

Christopher Steele may be getting too much credit for the debunked Dossier that bears his name. While he was clearly the individual, who collected the bits and pieces for which he was paid by the Clinton Campaign (through Fusion GPS) what if he is just the handler for Russian counter-intelligence?

USA Today Pretends A Former Feinstien Aide and Fusion GPS Guy is Non-Partisan

The Deep State Stenographers at USSA Today published something with this ridiculous headline. “Why the conspiracy theory that Biden will use COVID to rig election is spreading unchecked.”

Surveillance chris-yang-1tnS_BVy9Jk-unsplash

America’s Liberty, Our Future, Hangs by a Vote

Summer 2016 The FBI had in its possession an unverified dossier outlining many salacious accusations against candidate Donald Trump. They knew the dossier was, through a convoluted process, the product of Hillary Clinton’s campaign’s opposition research. Surveillance of the Trump campaign was an FBI imperative and to make it happen a FISA warrant needed to … Read more

Breaking: Mike Pompeo – I have Hillary’s Missing Emails and We’re Releasing Them

Hillary lost 33,000 emails about yoga and wedding plans but guess what? The current Secretary of State says he found them. He has them. He will release them before November 3rd. If you like yoga, weddings, or felonious skullduggery, Trump’s Secretary Of State is Going to Make October Great Again.

Hillary Shaheen

Breaking: Russia Hoax was Hillary’s Plan – Obama White House was Briefed

Might this come up in the debate? John Ratcliffe, the Director of National Intelligence, just declassified a document. It explains to the Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman that Hillary Clinton invented the Russia Hoax and that then CIA director John Brennan briefed the Obama White House.


John Brennan Spiked Details in Report That Suggest Putin Wanted Hillary to Win in 2016

Russia tries to interfere with every election. But in 2016, the Democrats made sure that meddling had legs. They took disinformation provided to Christopher Steele (they paid for) and used it to unseat a President. But the CIA and FBI had evidence of Putin’s favorite as far back as Jan 2017. And it wasn’t Trump.

George Soros

Exposing Fiona Hill’s Deep State Soros-Connected Roots

As we get deeper in the weeds of the One-sided Democrat Inquisition, some of the revelations popping to the top of the tank involve George Soros, the Left’s puppet master.

Eric Ciaramella Whistleblower or an Attack Dog

Is Eric Ciaramella a whistleblower or an attack dog? The impeachment scenario now playing out in Washington is beyond the pale. The nation is beginning to see the ugliness. The people instigating and carrying out impeachment believe they have a right to rule the rest of us… whether we like it or not. At least … Read more

Horowitz Report on Surveillance is Close

IG Investigation of Alleged FISA Abuse is Complete

DoJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz has given his draft report to the attorney general. The report delves into alleged FISA abuse by the department and the FBI. The abuses took place as part of the Trump-Russia investigation. The announcement The IG sent a letter sent to multiple congressional committees in both chambers. Horowitz announced Friday his … Read more

Gen. Michael Flynn

Don’t Believe There’s a Deep State – Tell that To General Mike Flynn

Don’t Believe There’s a Deep State? Read this. Former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn knew what he was doing hiring Sidney Powell to represent him.

Jeanne shaheen

Jeanne Shaheen Wants to Put an End to Free Speech Meddling With “Our” Elections

NHPR has an interview with Senator Jeanne Shaheen, and a few things are abundantly clear. She heard a different version of Bob Mueller’s testimony this week. Oh, and she’s not serious about Russian Meddling in our elections.

Jeanne Shaheen

More #FakeNews From the N.H. Political “Press”

It goes without saying that posting about the #FakeNews peddled by what passes as “press” in New Hampshire would be an all-day, every-day job. Still it’s worth calling them out as much as possible. So this from two of New Hampshire’s foremost fake-reporters: and this: The “articles” are virtually identical, and are actually little more … Read more

IG Report Will Find FISA Warrants to Spy on Trump Illegally Obtained

The word on the street is that James Comey and John Brennan are starting a flame war with each other (Andrew McCabe too) and Vegas odds seem likely. People are going to prison. Whoever flips first has the best odds of a better deal.


What Democrats Maxine Waters and Rosemarie Rung Have in Common

When they run out of arguments or if they have none, Leftists like to call you names. You are racist, sexist, bigoted, a Nazi or white supremacist. How about unpatriotic or un-American? Yes, the Democrat Socialists like that one too.

Nunes Mueller Trump Clinton

Rep. Devin Nunes: “Trump was investigated for what the Clinton campaign did”

Rep. Devin Nunes takes a few minutes to offer some thoughts on how Hillary Clinton skates on any number of crimes while the FBI investigates Trump based on her campaigns shoddy debunked opposition research. It’s worth the 5 minutes to hear his thoughts because he is widely regarded as having seen everything. He knows what … Read more

John McCain Colluded With the Media and Democrats to Smear President-Elect Trump

As another battle rages over the President’s public remarks about Sen. John McCain, the Epoch Times has a devastating Report. The Steele Dossier has long been known to be opposition research paid for by the Clinton Campaign and the DNC. How the discredited hit piece spread so far and wide is no longer a matter of speculation.