James Comey

Comey Doth Protest Too Much… Methinks (Part 2 of 2)

Fired Former FBI Director Comey’s testimony about FBI leaks to the press is at odds with his sworn statements from his former deputy, Andrew McCabe. We know Comey met with Trump on several occasions assuring him that he was not the subject of an FBI investigation. This happened amid mysterious leaks to the press that … Read more

Why Wasn’t Feinstein Spied On When the FBI Discovered her Driver was a Chinese Mole

A few years ago the FBI notified a ranking US Senator on the Intelligence committee that her long-time Chinses driver was, in fact, a spy. The individual was fired though we’ve no idea how many sensitive conversations they shared over those many years. I bring this up because that’s what the FBI does, or did until … Read more

Deep State: “It’s like they think the law doesn’t apply to them.”

Glenn Reynolds, proprietor at Instapundit, built his reputation, influence, and ranking as a news aggregator in doing zillions of links with just a sentence or two describing what it’s for or commenting on the content at the link.  Seldom, VERY seldom, does he do a looong abstract from the piece he’s linking to.  Given the … Read more

Everyone is colluding with Russia except Trump

“Everyone is colluding with Russia except Trump,” Steyn said. “You’ve got the Podesta Group, you’ve got the Hillary campaign, you’ve got the DNC, you’ve got the FBI, you’ve got Christopher Steele, who you credit as an ex-MI6 agent. He’s not just any old ex-MI6 agent, he’s the head of the Russia desk at MI6, which … Read more

Daily Wire: DNC, Hillary Campaign Paid To Compile Trump-Russia Dossier

WashPo is reporting that Hillary Clinton’s Presidential campaign and Democratic National Committee financed the Trump dossier. (c/o The Daily Wire) The Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee helped fund research that resulted in a now-famous dossier containing allegations about President Trump’s connections to Russia and possible coordination between his campaign and the Kremlin, people familiar … Read more

House session 05-30-24

NH House Attendance Finale: 50 “Perfect” Republicans and The Whole House (6 of The Top Ten Worst Were Dems)

With the final day of the session past us, it is time to reminisce (cue misty dream sequence) about the past few months. We’ve been sharing – to the dismay of some – a weekly list of Republicans who missed roll call votes (and how many). Today, we have two lists. The Republicans voted in … Read more

Dr. Naomi Wolf

Dr. Naomi Wolf Apologizes to Republicans and Conservatives For Blindly Believing the Media and the Government

Naomi Wolf has been getting red-pilled a lot in recent years, but the release of the January 6th video has prompted her to write a lengthy piece that includes something rare in the modern era; a full-throated, genuine apology.

Republicans for Clinton

No less real than a Secretary of State who deletes all her emails is the inevitability of “Republicans for Clinton.” They’ll actually call themselves ‘Republicans for Hillary’ (or some such something like that) but this hardly matters. Regardless of who the Republican nominee is, even if it is someone a lot like Hillary, there will … Read more

“Martha’s Motel” Auxilliary at Dartmouth College? A missive from the past: “Records Reveal Possible Voter Fraud”

From the files of CNHT – the organization that has been laboring in the vineyard of Voter Fraud for decades as it has been toiling on behalf of local taxpayer organizations all of over the State of NH.    For those that say that there is no voter fraud, here is a report from Dartmouth back … Read more

A Place To Start–RINO’s For Lynch

Skip made a good point (here).  That one of the reasons the baby killing, parent denying, taxing, spending, fund robbing, fibber John Lynch even has a shot at a "unprecedented fourth term" as governor, is because republicans vote for him. He’s not a moderate.  He’s just a quiet liberal, you know the type. Well, no … Read more