What Does it Mean if the Steele Dossier Was Written by the Russians?

Steve MacDonald

Christopher Steele may be getting too much credit for the debunked Dossier that bears his name. While he was clearly the individual, who collected the bits and pieces for which he was paid by the Clinton Campaign (through Fusion GPS) what if he is just the handler for Russian counter-intelligence?

Consider the options.

Steele is former MI6. He worked in Moscow. Steele is asked to compile political opposition research on Trump. He reaches out to “contacts” in Russia the results of which are the contents of the dossier. This material is used to spy on an opposition political campaign and the president-elect. 

After two years of scrutiny by a room full of lawyers and investigators who hate Trump, they are forced to admit they’ve got nothing. None of it is true. There is no evidence of collusion by Trump or anyone who was ever in his orbit with Russia or Russians.

But, but, we had this dossier. And it was all fake.

Occam’s razor. 

Given that Russians have been meddling in our elections for nearly a century the odds are good that Steele’s goodies are disinformation provided by the Kremlin. They are given to Steele’s Russian sources and designed to disrupt the election or the government. And it worked to a point but why did it work?

The Democrats running FBI, DOJ and the Obama Administration wanted or needed it to be true.

The Dossier was never appropriately vetted by intelligence assets in the US. We know the unvetted material was leaked to the press and those press leaks were then used by the leakers as proof that the fake dossier was legitimate enough to obtain FISA warrants to spy on Americans.

It’s all lies so if it was vetted, then CIA and FBI knew it was false and lied to a FISA court (and everyone else) to remove the President for office anyway.

The only one who involved never blinked was Trump. He stuck to every one of his campaign priorities. He never let it slow him down or stop him. The Donald used it to his advantage and continues to use it and the Democrats continued obsession. 

But what about the question posed in the title?

What does it mean if the Steele Dossier was written by the Russians? If it includes disinformation planted by the Kremlin? It means that the Obama Administration, Clinton Campaign, Fusion GPS, the FBI, CIA, and others colluded with Russia to alter the outcome of an election. Including any high-ranking Democrats read-in which might mean Schumer, Pelosi, and others.

| RedState


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of GraniteGrok.com, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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