More #FakeNews From the N.H. Political “Press”

Ed Mosca

It goes without saying that posting about the #FakeNews peddled by what passes as “press” in New Hampshire would be an all-day, every-day job. Still it’s worth calling them out as much as possible. So this from two of New Hampshire’s foremost fake-reporters:

and this:

The “articles” are virtually identical, and are actually little more than cut-and-pastes of Shaheen’s press release. From DiStaso (whom I usually refer to as #FatLazyAndBiased):

U.S. Sens. Jeanne Shaheen and Maggie Hassan and U.S. Reps. Annie Kuster and Chris Pappas on Thursday joined other Democrats in accusing Trump of “inviting” foreign interference in the upcoming election.

“It is incredibly alarming and tremendously dangerous for the president to openly invite another attack on our democracy,” said Shaheen, a member of the Senate Foreign Relations and Armed Services committees.

“This message will not fall on deaf ears as our adversaries are ramping up their efforts and looking for every opportunity to influence our elections. Republicans and Democrats need to be united in bolstering our nation’s defenses.”

Shaheen called on Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Kentucky to “stop obstructing the many bipartisan efforts to safeguard our democratic institutions and allow votes on these critical measures. It’s imperative that we respond to this threat as one nation.”

From Steinhauser (whom I have taken to referring to as #CNNPaulie):

New Hampshire’s senior U.S. senator is taking aim at President Donald Trump over his controversial comments that he’d accept critical information on a 2020 election opponent provided by a foreign government.

“As the Commander in Chief, the President swore an oath to protect this country,” Democratic Sen. Jeanne Shaheen said in a statement on Thursday. “It is incredibly alarming and tremendously dangerous for the President to openly invite another attack on our democracy.” 

And Shaheen warned that the Republican president’s “message will not fall on deaf ears as our adversaries are ramping up their efforts and looking for every opportunity to influence our elections.”

And taking aim at the top Republican in the Senate, Shaheen argued that “Majority Leader McConnell must stop obstructing the many bipartisan efforts to safeguard our democratic institutions and allow votes on these critical measures. It’s imperative that we respond to this threat as one nation.”

Know what else the articles have in common? Both #FatLazyAndBiased and #CNNPaulie make no mention of the actual collusion/foreign interference in the 2016 election:

… Clinton’s campaign, in concert with the Democratic Party and through their shared law firm, funded Christopher Steele’s unverified dossierwhich, it turns out, falsely portrayed Republican Donald Trump as a treasonous asset colluding with Russian President Vladimir Putin to hijack the U.S. election.

Steele went to the FBI to get an investigation started and then leaked the existence of the investigation, with the hope of sinking Trump’s presidential aspirations.

On its face, it is arguably the most devious political dirty trick in American history and one of the most overt intrusions of a foreigner into a U.S. election.

It appears the Clinton machine knew that what it was doing was controversial. That’s why it did backflips to disguise the operation from Congress and the public, and in its Federal Election Commission (FEC) spending reports.

Clinton and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) used the law firm of Perkins Coie to hire Glenn Simpson’s research firm, Fusion GPS, which then hired Steele — several layers that obfuscated transparency, kept the operation off the campaign’s public FEC reports and gave the Clintons plausible deniability.

To finish the mission, Simpson and Steele leaked the existence of the FBI investigation to the news media to ensure it would hurt Trump politically. Simpson even called the leaks a “hail Mary” that failed.

Trump won, however. And now, thanks to special counsel Robert Mueller, we know the Russia-collusion allegations relentlessly peddled by Team Clinton were bogus. But not before the FBI used the Clinton-funded, foreign-created research to get a total of four warrants to spy on the Trump campaign, transition and presidency from October 2016 through the following autumn.

Of course #FatLazyAndBiased and #CNNPaulie didn’t mention the real collusion/foreign interference in the 2016 election because they are Democrat operatives posing as reporters and their “reporting” consists of taking Democrat press releases, maybe adding a few words here and there, and then signing their names and publishing.

Also known as #FakeNews.


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