From Christopher Steele’s Drunk Russian Sub-Source With Love

Most of the Russian Collusion scandal has disappeared from the spotlight, because the only version left to explore is the collusion of Russians, Democrats, and the media. But that has not stopped news from breaking. Like this tidbit about dossier-master Chris Steele’s Russian sub-source.

Related: The Steele Dossier Was False and the FBI Knew

“The mysterious “Primary Subsource” that Christopher Steele has long hidden behind to defend his discredited Trump-Russia dossier is former Brookings Institution analyst — Igor “Iggy” Danchenko, a Russian national whose past includes criminal convictions and other personal baggage ignored by the FBI in vetting him and the information he fed to Steele…”

This is Real Clear Investigations’ reporting.

The 42-year-old Danchenko, who was hired by Steele in 2016 to deploy a network of sources to dig up dirt on Trump and Russia for the Hillary Clinton campaign, was arrested, jailed and convicted years earlier on multiple public drunkenness and disorderly conduct charges in the Washington area and ordered to undergo substance-abuse and mental-health counseling, according to criminal records.

Steele used Hillary’s money to hire a Drunk Left-Wing Russian think tank reject to make up dirt on Donald Trump. The end result were “files” that even the Drunk said were crap.

Other unfortunate coincidences.

FISA-signer Rod Rosenstein has previously prosecuted a case against Danchenko for the FBI.

Danchenko is a good friend with Fiona Hill, a White House advisor who testified against Mr. Trump in his impeachment hearing (they met at Brookings).

Hill was given a raw copy of the Dossier from her good friend Chris Steele.

The Brookings Institute was a common source of support for the Dossier throughout the ‘scandal.’

The dossier was written by a Russian, paid by a Brit, working for Hillary and the DNC.

The actual colluders remain uncharged at at large.

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