Former RNC Chair Michael Steele Thinks Trump Supporters Are “Lice, Fleas, and the Blood-Sucking Ticks.”

I learned something new today. Former RNC chairman (2009-2011) Michael Steele (no known relation to Christopher of the fake Dossier) has a paid gig as a political analyst at MSNBC. So, while Christopher got paid to collect lies, Michael gets paid to create them. And he does.

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On a recent MSNBC appearance, he had what, in the grand scheme of things, was not as unkind as an opinion you might find on The View but glowing, it was not.


“Kevin McCarthy has not learned from the history of three prior Republican speakers of the House who’ve all been thrown out by their Republican caucus. Stop and think about that — what Republicans have done to themselves going back to Newt Gingrich, John Boehner, and Paul Ryan, right?” Steele said.

“So McCarthy is now next in line with a base that is prepared to throw him out should they allow him to be speaker,” he added. “Kevin has decided to make his bed and is prepared to lie down with the lice, the fleas, and the blood-sucking ticks.”


Two things (probably more). First, McCarthy and Steele are stitched from the same shoddy cloth. They are both republican elites content to feed at whatever trough the Left will allow. Kiddie table? Sure! At least we’re at a table.

You know the sort. We have one for our governor here in New Hampshire. Their Republican party is not ours, and if demeaning a significant portion of them earns them favor on the Left, they might take a shot.

Second, as is noted at the source link, Steele has taken this disregard to a new low, not for Democrats, but nearly. By openly equating Trump supporters with parasites, he appeases the intolerance of the Left while dehumanizing them (at least he didn’t call them lumps of cells).


Shockingly, a political analyst on a prominent cable news outlet was permitted by the network and its MAGA-loathing host, Wallace, to dehumanize millions of Donald Trump-aligned conservatives by comparing fellow Americans to parasites for simply having different political views from Democrats in power and RINOs who support them.


It’s not shocking. In the Red speech, that Biden fellow opened the door to any act of dehumanization. Everything is permitted.


This is straight-up Nazi imagery. This is the kind of language that historically has been the prelude to a massacre. …  So all that’s left is brute force. Will the Biden regime resort to brute force to crush its political opponents, with applause from useful idiots such as Michael Steele? The groundwork is being laid.


This is not new in the US or uncommon in politics generally, but when high-profile figures ape this narrative, bad things follow. And not just for the so-called MAGA-Republicans. A government and leaders (and pundits) permitted to use these tactics without pushback will direct them to everyone or anyone as the need arises. And it will.

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That includes groups like BLM and Antifa, should they perk up and get pissy about their place on the progressive identity politics totem.

If you let them go down this road uncontested, and in the case of BLM and Antifa in particular, help them the way the King’s guards “helped” King Henry II with his Thomas Becket problem, you deserve what you get. The authoritarian Left will let you help them (want you to help them), but the moment you appear to be a problem or a distraction, they’ll come for you “with F-15s and Nukes” to borrow a metaphorical turn of phrase from “Brandon.”

Imagery that means by any means at our disposal – to facilitate your disposal.

If you think I’m kidding, pick up a history book, if you can find one, and look at Venezuela, Cuba, China, Russia, Italy, and Germany. Assuming they’ve not all been rewritten.




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