Don’t Believe There’s a Deep State – Tell that To General Mike Flynn

Don’t Believe There’s a Deep State? Read this. Former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn knew what he was doing hiring Sidney Powell to represent him.

Related: Gen. Mike Flynn’s New Lawyer Asks Judge for Documents to Prove Clinton-FBI Collusion

Last December he fired his legal team and brought in Powell. At Tuesday’s hearing, Powell accused prosecutors of “egregious misconduct.” She said prosecutors are guilty of “hiding exculpatory information.”

Flynn is innocent

That means they knew Flynn was innocent of the charges. When proven this is prosecutorial misconduct. She revealed the existence of a DOJ memo, dated January 30, 2017. The importance of the memo is it exonerates Flynn of colluding with the Russians.

Investigative journalist Sara Carter said this document is “currently under a protective order and Powell is working with prosecutors to get it disclosed.”  And this memo is only part of the Brady material Powell is demanding.

Brady Material

Brady material is evidence impeaching information and evidence material to the guilt or innocence of a defendant. The prosecution is required to disclose this information to the defense. The Supreme Court ruled that suppression by the prosecution of evidence favorable to a defendant who has requested it violates due process.

The date of this memo is especially relevant. The reason for that is because, as stated in former FBI Director James Comey’s memo written immediately after his February 14th Oval Office meeting with the President, Trump asked him to end the investigation into Flynn. Trump’s words to Comey, according to his memo, were “I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go. He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go.” Comey used these remarks as the basis for his obstruction of justice case against Trump.

It was also revealed at Tuesday’s hearing that, at the same time, former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe had advised that Flynn had not violated Logan Act.

What they knew and when they knew it

Wednesday night, Fox News‘ Catherine Herridge reported the existence of a letter from the British government “disavowing” dossier author Christopher Steele. This letter said Steele was untrustworthy. It was allegedly sent to Obama’s National Security Advisor Susan Rice and to the incoming transition national security team.

It is among the 40 documents Flynn’s lawyer, Powell, believes may contain exculpatory evidence for which she has filed a motion to obtain. If Susan Rice received this letter, it’s highly likely that Comey would have been apprised of it.

From bad to worse

Rep. Devin Nunes who led the House investigation in 2017-2018 into Russian collusion as the Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, appeared on Hannity last night and confirmed the existence of this letter.  During this pivotal meeting on February 14, 2017 Comey knew. The inference logically is that Comey was likely aware of three crucial pieces of information.

He knew that Flynn was clear of both colluding with Russians and of Logan Act violations. Probably he knew that the British government considers Steele to be untrustworthy. He withheld this information from the President. Knowing this, he opened an obstruction case against Trump.


After Trump fired Comey, he gave copies of his memos to his professor friend. The friend conveniently had a security clearance. He gave his friend instructions to leak them to the New York Times. He hoped this would trigger the appointment of a special counsel to invest Trump for obstruction of justice. And he was right. Still Don’t Believe There’s a Deep State?

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