
Town Of Windham Screws Up Another Election

The Town of Windham, New Hampshire, is known the world over and to a greater degree in all fifty states, but not for a good reason. It suffers from Electoral Dysfunction (ED). Its clerks and election moderators can’t seem to run an election without something going sideways. Local or Federal. There’s some issue. You’re likely … Read more

Election Integrity

So, We Should Trust Harri Hursti?

Dear Editor, My word, this Windham audit is nonsense. (1) If there are copyright protections on the decompiled EPROMs, then that says that NH should not be using the machines because the correct operation of the machine cannot be easily and publicly verified. So, we should trust Harri?

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The forensic audit for the Windham November general election mandated all of the ballots be fed through all of the voting machines. They were.  In order to simulate the general election, the machines had to be reset to 11/03/20 before the ballots were fed through the machines. They were.

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ARROGANT ELITISTS? Windham Board of Selectmen Show Contempt for Their Subjects!

This past Monday, the Windham Board of Selectman Chairman Ross McLeod became unhinged for the second meeting in a row.

The public clearly expressed their displeasure of the Board’s decision to hire what many believe to be an unqualified applicant – and McLeod would have none of it. He scolded and demeaned hundreds of people he was elected to serve – instead of listening and responding to constituent concerns.

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