The Town of Windham, New Hampshire, is known the world over and to a greater degree in all fifty states, but not for a good reason. It suffers from Electoral Dysfunction (ED). Its clerks and election moderators can’t seem to run an election without something going sideways.
Local or Federal. There’s some issue.
You’re likely aware of the 2020 oops (a hand recount produced 300 more votes for four Republican candidates and about 100 fewer votes for a Democrat) and the audit that followed; even after the state investigated, questions remained, but you have to remember, they didn’t want to investigate the original problem. They had to be driven to it, and that’s just how it goes in the Granite State. 2022 also had issues, but let’s get to this year’s foolishness. The town says it has 10,338 official ballots cast by voters, but the sum of all votes is only 10,141.
There appear to be 197 missing.
I asked Windham residents, friends, and Grok contributors Tom Murray and Ken Eyring for some thoughts on the document they sent me.
Tom Murray went to Town Hall yesterday and saw the Moderator who admitted he knew the count was off on election night but still went home, saying something along the line “Everyone went home, and I didn’t want to be here all night to figure out where the discrepancy was.”
Election law requires election officials to remain at the polling place until the results are accurately reported.
659:63 Counting and Tabulation to be Public. – The counting and tabulation of votes shall be public and conducted within the guardrail and shall not be adjourned nor postponed until it shall have been completed.
Results are off in Part 1, Results of Part 2 don’t match, and Results of Part 2 and Part 3 don’t match. This Post-Election Certificate is a tool to cross reference the number of ballots, voters who voted and counted votes on the ballots. None match. So… were there votes that weren’t counted? Ballots that weren’t counted?
In 2018, Exeter’s number of ballots cast and number of voters was off by 110 more ballots than voters. They got a Cease and Desist letter from the AG. (attached)
Windham election officials get special treatment due to direct connections with the AG’s office and the governor.
Windham’s election was observed by the Secretary of State’s office.
Here is the Exeter Letter mentioned.