In NH, The Legislative Body (You!) Runs the Show. Selectmen Have a Purpose. Let’s Take a Look at It


Windham residents and supporters are justifiably outraged at being conned by opponents of a genuine forensic audit of the Dominion machine counted ballots in the recent NH general Election.

This proposed audit is no joke. Our way of life here in NH will be forever altered if we allow these so-called irregularities to go uncontested.

Thankfully, this is New Hampshire. We have been holding elections for centuries with paper and pen. Over two hundred NH municipalities are very adept at conducting this time-tested tradition.

Related: About the Windham Bait and Switch – Call a Special Town Meeting

And along comes – our optical scanner electronic ballot-counting machines and the secret little world inside them. All transparency is now lost to vendors who program these machines before each election.

An undeniable, unacceptable, finding of historically immense proportions showed up during a traditional paper ballot recount of the 2020 General Election in Windham. Now, all machines and programmers in New Hampshire are going to have to live with intense scrutiny.

New Hampshire citizens, who are voters, deserve answers.

The shameless actions of a quorum of Windham Selectmen have attempted to sideline this audit process with a rigid stance against choosing a legitimate firm to conduct the audit.

They can show no reason for this action, no reason for opposing the obvious will of Windham citizens and national supporters.

All we are left with is to turn this unexplainable selectman-generated anger and mistrust into good old-fashioned NH citizen activism.

Our numerous NH State Statutes provide many possible remedies for wayward selectmen.

In NH, the Legislative Body runs the show. Selectmen have a purpose. Let’s take a look at it:

    41:8 Election and Duties. – Every town, at the annual meeting, shall choose, by ballot, one selectman to hold office for 3 years. The selectmen shall manage the prudential affairs of the town and perform the duties by law prescribed. A majority of the selectmen shall be competent in all cases.

Source. RS 34:2. CS 36:2. GS 37:2. GL 40:2. PS 43:5. 1921, 9:1; 17:1. PL 47:12. RL 59:11.


Have all the selectmen in Windham conducted themselves in a “prudent fashion” by ensuring Windham’s Legislative Body has had a transparent and clean election for seats in the NH House?

“The selectmen shall manage the prudential affairs of the town and perform the duties by law prescribed.”


Have all the selectmen acted in a competent manner?

“A majority of the selectmen shall be competent in all cases.”

I would be glad to sit down with a group of concerned Windham members of the Legislative Body and come up with some alternatives to sitting in an audience being ignored.


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