Windham Selectmen Should Ask Themselves These Questions to Understand the Public Outrage

On May 3rd, I experienced a sentimental return to my teaching days of many years ago as I drove through the turn around at the Windham Center School. Of course, this was after hours, and my principal reason for being in Windham at 6:30 PM was to attend the Windham Selectman’s Meeting scheduled for 7 PM.

We want to thank Michael Bean for this op-ed. If you have a Letter or other content you want
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The Selectmen were to hear arguments to overturn their previous decision to name Verified Voting (Mark Lindeman) as their election integrity auditor choice.

Predictably, given the unpopularity of this choice with the voters, hundreds of concerned citizens arrived, only to find the Selectman changed the venue last minute to the Windham Town Hall! Hence the masses migrated from the High School to Town Hall (No parking allowed at town hall or curbside) and parked AT the library to overcapacity.

Throngs gathered outside, exceeding Town Hall limits passionately expressing dismay and outrage over this latest maneuver, chanting “ Move the meeting” and “We the people.”

The Pledge of Allegiance, National Anthem, and God Bless America filled the air!

Eventually, those citizens that had been allowed to enter jubilantly announced the Select Board had agreed to return to the original venue and once again all headed back to the High School! It would be the last burst of optimism for the remainder of the night!

Despite a packed auditorium of Windham voters and citizens from around the state opposed to Verified Voting, Selectman Breton remained the singular voice of integrity, promising to overturn this decision. Breton was openly attacked by Chairperson McLeod and latter by fellow board member H Partington, who then read a dissenting letter concerning sequence and content regarding a Windham citizen with opposing views.

When the night ended, Selectpersons McLeod, Partington, and Hohenberger had not been asked to answer the following :

Before you selected Verified Voting, were you aware,

  • Andrew Appel and Harri Hursti are on the Board of Advisors of Verified Voting?
  • Andrew Appel and Harri Hursti signed a November 16th, 2020 letter stating the following:

“To our collective knowledge, no credible evidence has been put forth that supports a conclusion that the 2020 election outcome in any state has been altered through technical compromise?”

  • Mark Lindeman, Co-Director of Verified Voting signed an April 13th letter slandering his competition for the Windham Audit?
  • Mark Lindeman, Co-Director of Verified Voting signed an April 13th letter attempting to interfere in the Maricopa County Arizona election audit?
  • Mark Lindeman, Co-Director of Verified Voting, demonstrated bias toward “Trump Supporters and conspiracy Theory” opinions of others?
  • That the Windham selection and the firm selected by the NH SOS would also select the third-party team?
  • That Harri Hursti, Member of Verified Voting Board of Advisors was also entered in the audit team competition?

Perhaps the Selectmen should ask themselves these questions to understand the public outrage citizens of Windham, and all of NH are feeling due to their misguided decision. Their selection fails the proverbial “smell test”!


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