LHS Associates

Correcting The Legacy Media’s Crappy Coverage of the “Windham Election Incident” Selectboard Meeting

“Those new machines are known as the “ImageCast Precinct” optical scan tabulators. They are manufactured by Dominion Voting Systems.”

Two of the largest news media outlets in New Hampshire could only manage shoddy, half-baked, propaganda-style reporting of the Windham Board of Selectmen meeting held on March 1st  to quell the concerns of Windham voters following a partial recount of three down-ballot contests.

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ACTION ITEM! – To RESOLVE the “Windham Incident” – DO THIS! (Updated)

The largest vote discrepancy in the history of NH remains unexplained.  Please take a few minutes to support a thorough and transparent audit of Windham’s voting machines and ballots to RESTORE ELECTION INTEGRITY in NH! 

Per Senator Bob Giuda, this issue arose because “Assistant AG Edwards and Election Law Chief Chong Yen stated categorically that they are not going to investigate the machines or the total ballot count – the only two actions that can provide the answer to what exactly happened.

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A Fork in the Road For the “Windham Incident”!

A reminder to stay engaged.  The Windham Board of Selectman will hold a meeting tonight via zoom and in person at the Windham High School at 7p (details below).  The meeting has one agenda item: the status of the “Windham Incident.” That’s what this meeting is about. Who should run the audit?  Who should define … Read more


The “Windham Incident” – Never Let A Good Crisis Go To Waste!

Many across America and as far away as Australia (go to 12:07), are aware of the “Windham Incident” – NH’s blatant disregard for election integrity. The disturbing debacle was created by Gov. Sununu, his Attorney General and Secretary of State (SOS) due to their lack of a meaningful investigation into the disturbing and questionable results … Read more



I am disturbed that the NH AG’s and SOS’s office intends to TAKE CONTROL of Windham’s voting machines. The SAME PEOPLE will have control over the SAME MACHINES that produced the largest UNEXPLAINED DISCREPANCY in the HISTORY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE between election day results and a hand recount. Those SAME PEOPLE refused to do a meaningful investigation on the machines when asked to do so by Windham Officials and the Ballot Law Commission.  CAN YOU SAY CONFLICT OF INTEREST?  DO NOT stand idly by. This is the fox guarding the hen house.  

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What Happened at the “Windham Incident” Board of Selectman’s Meeting?

An overwhelming number of people tried to get into the Windham Board of Selectman’s meeting last night – but couldn’t. Not enough zoom licenses! I suspect there were thousands who tried to attend – which led to the overload. The Selectman were scheduled to discuss the “Windham Incident” and the pending voting machine audit mandated … Read more

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