
This Windham Incident Forensic Auditor Has Undisclosed Conflicts of Interest

I’m writing to inform you of previously undisclosed conflicts of interest and bias on the part of the auditors chosen by the Windham Board of Selectmen and to ask that the Senate reclaim its authority to choose auditors itself by, if necessary, amending SB43, or to recognize the authority of the residents of Windham to make the decision themselves.

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Press Release: My Choice of Forensic Auditor For the Windham Incident is…

Windham, NH – Last November 3, 2020, the general election results for the Windham State Representative race wound up being significantly different from the hand recount. The vote count error has become known as the “Windham Incident” because the discrepancies between election day and the recount were the highest in the history of the state.

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PUBLIC STATEMENT: The “Windham Incident” Death Threats

Many know, I have been actively involved with a State Senator and others over the past few months – pushing for a forensic audit of Windham’s voting machines and ballots from the November 3, 2020, general election.  A law mandating the forensic audit was passed on April 12th.

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ACTION ALERT: Pending House Vote for the “Windham Incident” Forensic Audit (Tomorrow or Thursday) – UPDATED

Please contact all NH State Reps TODAY (easy email address lists below) and respectfully ask that they support SB43.  Your voice makes a difference!

This important Bill is currently part of the House Consent Calendar, which is usually passed by a voice vote without incident along with all of the other Bills on the Consent Calendar. But any State Representative is entitled to pull a Bill from the Consent Calendar and ask for it to be voted on separately.  If that happens, them amendments could also be proposed and voted on and it could get messy… so as a measure of caution, it is important to let our State Representatives know that we want them to support SB43.

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BREAKING NEWS!!! NH House Election Law Committee Passes FORENSIC AUDIT For Windham NH VOTING MACHINES 20-0!

AWESOME NEWS! Sincere thanks are in order for the entire NH House Election Law Committee, led by Chairperson Barbara Griffin (R-Goffstown), who unanimously voted to approve a forensic audit of Windham, NH’s voting machines and ballots. NH Secretary of State Bill Gardner’s willingness to listen to voter concerns and recognize the importance of performing an … Read more

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