So, We Should Trust Harri Hursti?

Dear Editor, My word, this Windham audit is nonsense. (1) If there are copyright protections on the decompiled EPROMs, then that says that NH should not be using the machines because the correct operation of the machine cannot be easily and publicly verified. So, we should trust Harri?

(2) Harri Hursti is not an unbiased investigator. On November 16, 2020 — a mere two weeks after election day, Harri Hursti, along with fifty-nine security experts, drafted a letter saying there was no credible evidence of voter fraud. The NY Times wrote about the letter here. The letter is enclosed, and there is further reference to the letter here.

(3) If the error rate for Windham was projected across the state, how many votes are in the disputed category? Now, how close was the Maggie Hassan vs. Kelly Ayotte election?

Thanks for reporting. Keep asking…


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