Breaking News: NH GOP Chair and Vice-Chair Not Running for January Re-election

Neither Steve Stepanek or Pam Tucker are staying for a third term: Concord, NH – NHGOP Chairman Stephen Stepanek and NHGOP Vice Chairwoman Pamela Tucker released the following statements in regard to their positions at the New Hampshire Republican Party:  NHGOP Chairman Stephen Stepanek’s Statement: “It has been a privilege, honor, and pleasure to serve as Chairman … Read more


An Open Letter To NH Chair Steve Stepanek – Why So Quiet?

Dear NH GOP Chair Stepanek, Today is the end of the “regular season” for campaigning in getting ready for the finals. Much time, effort, and money has been spent by candidates within the Republican Party to get into those finals – the “General Election”. There, the Primary winning NH GOP candidates will go up against … Read more

Gary Whitehill - NHGOP Headshot

New Hampshire: Entrenching the Purple State?

For the past 20 weeks, NHGOP Chair Steve Stepanek has actively encouraged Elliot Gault to remain both the Executive Director and Assistant Secretary of the NHGOP. The Executive Director is a salaried, hired, non-voting position. The Assistant Secretary is a non-compensated voting officer elected to the NHGOP Executive Committee. NHGOP State Bylaws 

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Skip's Sauntering Snippets Podcast

Skip’s Sauntering Snippets #7 – Why Is NH Governor Groomer Protecting School Districts and Putting Them in Charge of Your Kids Instead of You???

NH Governor Chris Sununu (Governor Groomer!) has promised to veto the Parental Bill of Rights (HB1431) that would legally put you, Parents, in charge of your kids while in school.

WHY is he protecting School Districts that are refusing to tell you the Transgender status of your child? Or is this just another manifestation of his true political soul – a Big Government progressive masquerading as a Republican that’s decent on guns and taxes but swallows whole the Left’s social agenda? 

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NHGOP logo white background

NH GOP/RNC: Politics Over Your Rulebook?

I just got this from the new RNC / NH GOP representative for Belknap / Strafford Counties Director as they gear up for the 2022 elections  I said that I would put this one up (emphasis mine):

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Cork Image by Bruno Germany from Pixabay

Corky, “Uncorked” and the Rest of the Cabal

Notice the hypocrisy from the following establishment elite: Messner, “the GOP must rally around its candidates.”  The NHGOP Chair Stephen Stepanek “I understand there are a number of qualified possible candidates mulling over a potential run, and at the end of the day, we will be offering assistance to any and all candidates who announce they’ll be running.”

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Pam Tucker and Steve Stepenak

When You’re Winning, Keep Doing What You’re Doing

Last month, the 603 Alliance endorsed Steve Stepanek and Pam Tucker for re-election as the Chair and Vice-Chair of the NHGOP, respectively. We stand firmly behind that endorsement, despite recent attempts by their challengers to dismiss Stepanek’s and Tucker’s remarkable accomplishments of the past two years.

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Stepanek 603 event

603 Summit: NH GOP Chair Steve Stepanek

“That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men” Well, if the title of the 603 Summit, held last Saturday (yes, a lot of speakers and it is taking a while to get through all the processing and posting – apologies!) was “Liberty trumps Socialism”, why was the head of the NH GOP invited … Read more

Steve stepanek_launch

Chairman Stepanek’s Call to Action, While Blunt, is Right, in a Way

by Christopher Maidment By now we’ve all seen Chairman Stepanek’s email to the members, I assume.  Sure, some people, including myself were a little butthurt.  Whether rightfully or not, it’s time we ask ourselves WHAT ARE WE DOING?  His call to action, while blunt, is right, in a way.  I still disagree with his tactics of chastising all … Read more

Bill Weld

NHGOP Chair on Bill Weld- Someone who endorsed Obama and Clinton for President needs to think about how welcome he is in the Republican Party.

Steve Stepanek, the new Chairman of the New Hampshire State Republican Party issued a press release today. He wants to know how the former Republican Massachusetts governor (and former libertarian VP candidate) who endorsed Liberal Democrats for President (three elections in a row) expects to get support from the Republican party? NHGOP Chairman Stephen Stepanek Statement … Read more

GrokTV – Interview with new NH GOP Chair, Steve Stepanek

Steve Stepanek was overwhelming elected (300-81) to be the NH GOP Chair by the assembled NH GOP Committee members during their annual convention (held at Pinkerton Academy in Derry, NH). Even as he was trying to leave the auditorium for a meeting (just elected – already with the meetings!), he graciously took a few moments with … Read more

Steve stepanek_launch

It Will Take More Than Money to Fix What Ails The NH GOP

So congratulations to Steve Stepanek on his election as Chairman of the New Hampshire GOP: I don’t disagree that the New Hampshire Republican Party has a money problem. More specifically, that it cannot raise any. But money is not going to be enough to right this sinking ship. This: By patient safety zones, Planned Parenthood … Read more

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