Keith Hanson

Letter: Keith Hanson’s Vicious and False Allegations

We hear things. They are not always nice things. Especially when it comes to elections.  This time it relates to the race for New Hampshire GOP Chair. Keith Hanson and Steve Stepanek are vying for that position. Pam Tucker and Kate Day are each running for NH GOP Vice-Chair. Funny, that vice chair race?  I’ve heard … Read more

NH GOP – Open Primaries should be done away with

I was included on an email thread that had a number of people on it and one of the issues is that of Open Primaries in NH. Here’s the initial email: <redacted> wrote (to a number of people) including Steve Stepanek who has announced that he is running to fill the soon to be empty … Read more

Steve stepanek_launch

Steve Stepanek Announces Bid To Lead New Hampshire GOP

Steve Stepanek has formally announced his bid to become the next Chairman of the New Hampshire Republican Party. The Union Leader quotes Stepanek as saying that, “At this juncture, the Republican Party doesn’t exist in New Hampshire as an organization,” … “It has failed in fundraising and organization; and we need to completely revamp what’s going on … Read more

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