What If the NH/GOP Donors Don’t “Back” Our NH Candidates for Congress …

Well, readers, the votes are in, and we lost some and won some. The good news is that We the People selected Don Bolduc, Karoline Leavitt, and Bob Burns as our choices for US Senate and US House.

However, Skip’s recent post expresses the fear that the State Republicans might give these three the “Joe Kenney treatment.” That means providing very limited support, assuring that they all lose in the General Election come November.

Not one of these three was “of the chosen” by the State organization (NH GOP) and in a snit, may refuse to properly support them directly or urge big contributors not to support them financially.

I will suggest to Skip and Steve that we urge our supporters to organize a direct contact with Gov. Sununu (titular head of the State Party) and NH GOP Chair Steve Stepanek, demanding that the NH Republican Party fully support our elected choices/nominees or we will not only withhold our votes from Sununu but actively vote against him and work for the Democrat.

If Sununu (and Stepanek) refuse to support our selections by our votes, then We the People, will refuse to support Sununu/Stepanek and their backers.

New Rules: if they want to play that way, we will too.

Skip and Steve, I now do urge this action if we detect the “Joe Kenney Treatment” is being contemplated. Show’em where the votes will go.



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