An Open Letter To NH Chair Steve Stepanek – Why So Quiet?

by Skip

Dear NH GOP Chair Stepanek,

Today is the end of the “regular season” for campaigning in getting ready for the finals. Much time, effort, and money has been spent by candidates within the Republican Party to get into those finals – the “General Election”. There, the Primary winning NH GOP candidates will go up against their Democrat rivals (most; some Libertarians as well) to see which set of ideals will be used as the “governing linchpin” for the next two years.

Speaking of ideals, you once told me that it was your fervent hope that more Conservatives (in which your meaning to me was those that would hew to the NH GOP Platform and maintain fealty to both the NH and US Constitutions).  I really believed you meant that when we talked at the beginning of your time as NH GOP Chair. You said that to me even knowing that the mission of the NH GOP is to simply put people with R’s after their name into elected offices regardless of the “quality” of those candidates.

So here’s my problem – why are you so quiet?  I’m on the NH GOP email distribution list(s).  Not ONCE have I heard you, as the Big Man On the NH GOP Campus, speak up and say something about the other Elephant in the room who is going around and stomping on the reputations of good Republicans that match the attributes that you told me you wanted. No, they aren’t engineers like me (for which I still thank you for pointing that out that’s a great attribute in itself) but folks that live and breathe Republicanism (without becoming “a Republican’s Republican for the sake of the Republican Party” sycophants).  That would be Governor Chris Sununu in his public outbursts against those that refuse to be “sycophants” and choose those to support those valued ideals over a mere person.

Oh, and siccing his personal PAC, the Granite PAC, after them as well in trying to ruin such good Republicans as well? Both he and that PAC are aligned, at least from the aspect of the election outcomes, with Democrats.  Is this allowable?  Or only allowable because of who the Governor is and who his powerful political family is?

You’ve said nothing. Bupkis. Nada. Nein. Not a single public word. Unwilling to wade in publicly (and yes, I would have heard if private actions had been taken – such is the nature of politics in NH)? Quite the turnaround from your outburst about his at the end of the last legislative session, right?

So WHY nothing in defense of those Republicans? People who we all could always be sure of their votes! Who defended traditional American values and norms?  That went the extra mile in interceding into the Culture War to protect families from the onslaught of the Left’s Culture War against them? Who determined that our school kids needed defending?

Surely you know which ones – after all, Sununu has made sure to plaster their names all across the media – nationwide, even. Why aren’t you, and Vice-Chair Pam Tucker, putting up any kind of defense for them?  After all, YOU told ME (see top of this) these were the kinds of Republicans you wanted.

So why the reluctance, Steve, why the hesitancy? I remain confused – who is the Party for?  Are those at the top or those at the bottom?  Right now, I am watching your choice in the absence of your words.

Oh, and by the way, I’d like to attend, as a Registered Republican (even if there are those that hate that I am – I remember at my first NH GOP meeting as a delegate when I stood up and supported the resolution, well, you know, that radical notion that Republicans (gulp) should support the Party Platform, I was called a Nazi (true story!).  I reviewed the ByLaws of the NH GOP – there is nothing in them that would prevent Republicans such as me from attending. Further, there is nothing in the ByLaws that gives the Chair the Power to remove such an attendee (especially if they are on their best behavior and not here to cause a ruckus – well, unless such a ruckus is visited upon them, involuntarily, by others.  You know, “Nazi”. It happens…).

I remain your servant (even if at times, a bit on the snarky and irreverent side),

Skip Murphy
(which is generally “more Republican” than most Republicans – go ahead, change my mind)


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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