Steve Stepanek and Ronna McDaniel Are Looking Pretty Useless Right About Now

It’s the same play that the NH-Democrats run every two years. The instant the primary is over they flood the airwaves with dishonest negative ads to “define” their GOP opponents.

It works because the GOP candidates are typically bereft of cash, and the FakeNews in New Hampshire will NEVER do an honest “fact-check” on the NH-Democrats.

I recently posted about the flat-out LIE that Chris Pappas is running on WMUR regarding abortion: The Election Rigging Has Already Started … Adam Sexton Is Enabling Chris Pappas’ LIES. Maggie Hassan is running an equally dishonest hit on Bolduc.

Where are Stephen Stepanek and Ronna McDaniel? AWOL. Both have the leverage to arguably stop WMUR from airing the NH-Democrats’ LIES. Stepanek could threaten a GOP boycott of the WMUR debates. McDaniel could and should use the nuclear-option … keep airing the NH-Democrats’ LIES and kiss FITN, and all that advertising revenue, bye-bye.

But they won’t. Because they both share that quintessentially GOP-Establishment loser’s mentality.

And don’t give me that Karoline and Don will set the record straight in the debates. By the time we get to the RIGGED debates, Leavitt and Bolduc will be in a hole impossible to dig out of.

Stepanek and McDaniel need to act NOW.


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