Steve Stepanek, the new Chairman of the New Hampshire State Republican Party issued a press release today. He wants to know how the former Republican Massachusetts governor (and former libertarian VP candidate) who endorsed Liberal Democrats for President (three elections in a row) expects to get support from the Republican party?
NHGOP Chairman Stephen Stepanek Statement on Former Libertarian Vice Presidential Nominee Bill Weld
For Immediate Release:
February 15, 2019
Joe Sweeney
Concord, NH – NHGOP Chairman Stephen Stepanek released the following statement regarding former Libertarian Vice Presidential Nominee Bill Weld:
“The Republican Party is a big tent, but someone who endorsed Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012 and supported Hillary Clinton in 2016 as the Libertarian Party’s Vice Presidential nominee really needs to think about how welcome he is in the Republican Party.”
“Bill Weld declared he would be a “Libertarian for life” at the 2016 Libertarian national convention, and within three years he’s switched back to being a Republican to run against our President. In 2016, he also bragged about giving Hillary Clinton a win in New Hampshire – I don’t expect his campaign to get very far among Republican primary voters.”
This may be the best NHGOP Press release I’ve ever read.
Note: Former NHGOP chair Jennifer Horn is pitching tents in New Hampshire for Mr. Weld’s exploratory and using her former position to give Weld a foot in the door.
Actual Republicans will be watching very carefully to see who joins her.