For a “Republican Non-partisan” Party, Is the NH Gop Putting Its Thumb Down on the Candidate Scales?

by Op-Ed

Friends, the NHGOP is being held back by corrupt politicians who break the bylaws and work for their own personal gain and to elect the candidates they want. This is of course the head of the party Steve Stepanek and Elliot Gault.

From February 1st to March 20th, there were 7 emails and over 150 social media interactions by Stepanek and his staff supporting the election of specific candidates who are involved in contested primaries!!! Stepanek’s Executive Director, Elliot Gault even had “Sununu For Governor” signs on his Twitter account image and currently says “Executive Director @NHGOP x2 forever Team @GovChrisSununu”!

Stepanek has said several times that part of the NHGOP goals for this year is to “re-elect Governor Sununu” despite Governor Sununu not having won the primary. Stepanek has still not apologized for his statements in the summer of 2020 at the Manchester Trump Victory headquarters opening when he told the gathered crowd we will send Corky Messner and Matt Mowers to DC during two other contested primaries.

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The NHGOP continues to host events that party leadership and Stepanek were involved in where, coincidentally, specific candidates attend but not others. After asking around, the candidates who had attended mentioned they received notice from party leadership of the event, while other candidates were never notified.

After Joe Sweeney left his NH GOP Executive Director job, Stepanek hired Elliot Gault, an elected officer of the NHGOP Executive Committee, to replace him. After that hiring, Elliot is now both an employee and officer of the NHGOP Party leadership. Stepanek refused to have Elliot resign one of the two positions, despite violating the NHGOP State Bylaws. Stepanek didn’t care…

Over the past few weeks, all but one of the NHGOP paid employees left the Party to go join Chuck Morse’s campaign for Senate (favoritism, anyone?). Rumor is…because they refuse to work for Elliot Gault and/or Steve Stepanek! Have they been replaced? If they can’t hire new people because of money, guess what? Steve just insisted he gets paid for his volunteer work $2,000 per month PLUS 10% of fundraising PLUS all expenses!!!

You might not know this but only one non-employee member of the NH GOP is given any compensation while the rest of us are volunteering time. A compensation package was offered to Stepanek. He rejected the offer and had the audacity to counter-propose for more money with a package HE wanted!!! His employee, Elliot Gault, is said to have participated in the discussion of what Stepanek’s compensation should be. This demonstrates the conflict of interest in Elliot not resigning from one of his two positions within the Party.

After the compensation package was approved, Stepanek’s fundraising emails claim that 100% of fundraising goes directly to candidates. However, Steve himself vouched for a compensation package where he skims 10% off the top after meeting a minimum quota for the month. The compensation package he demanded also provides $2,000 per month plus FULL expenses.

These concerns show the clear and repeated pattern of behavior that violates the NH GOP Bylaws and show a lack of ethics in Chairman Stephen Stepanek and his hired Executive Director, Elliot Gault. We need to demand his immediate resignation.

If we want to stop the Party from being corrupt, we need to share the message. Please be sure to share this with all your New Hampshire Republican friends!!!


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