Chairman Stepanek’s Call to Action, While Blunt, is Right, in a Way

by Op-Ed

by Christopher Maidment

By now we’ve all seen Chairman Stepanek’s email to the members, I assume.  Sure, some people, including myself were a little butthurt.  Whether rightfully or not, it’s time we ask ourselves WHAT ARE WE DOING?  His call to action, while blunt, is right, in a way.  I still disagree with his tactics of chastising all 505 members about some Trump event.  No, not Donald, Melania, or Don Jr. — not even Eric.  But Lara.  Yeah, who? And why should I pay $85 for myself to go listen to her and not get dinner?

Because we are members of the NHGOP and have a vested interest in its success, regardless of how we feel about a damn email.

So yes, I bought two tickets and sold a third.  Then I set up the grassroots recurring donation for myself, for $50 a month.  And then I renewed the call to action on the Hillsborough County Facebook page and made sure it went out in another email, renewing it on twitter as well. Because, as Chairman Stepanek pointed out, that’s our role as members.  And if we’re not going to do it, we better damn well get off the pot.

Now, hopefully, in the future, our leadership opts for a more carrot and less stick approach.  As I’m reminded, it’s maple season, and we’ll catch more flies with that as opposed to vinegar.  Hopefully, our leadership accepts our criticisms and works to empower and invigorate our key volunteers and activists.  But all of that aside, ask yourself, and be honest, WHAT AM I DOING?

Here’s some ways you can get involved, TODAY:

1. Give some time to whoever will take it;

-Call NHGOP Headquarters, see if they need your time for anything.  I don’t know what they need.  Maybe someone to answer the phones Monday afternoon.  Maybe someone to help get the membership lists straightened out, so we all get the Chairman’s email next time. Perhaps someone to clean the windows.

-If they’re all set, call your County Chairman or Chairwoman.  What do you have going on at the county level that needs assistance?

-Help your town committee or start one if it doesn’t exist.

-How are your local legislators doing? Are they running again? What do they need if they’re going to win in 2020?

2. Give some talent to whoever will take it;

Identify your strength and utilize it for good.  Maybe you’re an expert on social media and can help your county/town committee to advertise our messaging.  Maybe you’re a marketer and can help craft that message.  Maybe you’re a writer and can pen an LTE in 10 seconds flat.  Webmasters, photographers, community leaders, social media gurus, marketers, crafters, butchers, bakers, and candlestick makers – there’s a use for your talent.  Find out where that use is best applied.

3. Give some treasure – everyone will take it – trust me;

For families like mine, $150 for my wife and I to go listen to Lara Trump is not an option.  That turns into dinner out, a babysitter, gas, and more time than we have to spare.  We’re a young family with limited resources and more limited time.  But we bought tickets anyways and set up a recurring donation.  Now, this won’t happen every time for every event because it simply can’t, and there are situations out there worse than ours.  Give what you can.  Can you do $5 a month, or $10?   Set it up, today.  If you absolutely can’t, see the other options here.

4. Get Trained

Groups like the 603 Alliance, Americans for Prosperity, and GIPAC all offer training on activism and running or helping campaigns.  Jump on board with them and learn how to be more effective.

5. Run for office;

Last session we fell remarkably flat recruiting in too many districts.  That simply can NOT happen again if we have any hope of winning bigly in 2020.  Can you run?  If not, I bet you know someone in your district that can!  Ask them, today.

6. Reagan’s 11th commandment, at least in public;

This doesn’t really count in my opinion as something you can do to help, but something WE ALL must do if we wish to succeed. I firmly believe in sunlight being the best disinfectant, and I also have a problem with being able to keep my mouth shut, as I’m sure most of you know by now.  If you, as I do, see a problem, then call it out.  In private.  Inside the party.  Work to resolve the issue amongst ourselves before you run to WMUR with it.

A lot of people don’t like that issues get called out and discussed amongst us.  People I respect.  They don’t want division or angst.  Here, I disagree with them.  The only way to fix problems is to open the discussion.  As Jon DiPietro points out in his well-crafted article, we must collaborate, all of us.  This goes for good and for bad.  The tippity top of our party does NOT have all the answers, and we all have a vested interest in the future and success of this organization.  So, air your grievances, and collaborate on solutions.  Just don’t deride and divide in the public sphere where Ray Buckley feeds off our problems and unites his base.

Overall, just self-examine, and do it now.  What are you doing, and what more can you do?  If the answer to either of those questions is nothing, then you should take the Chairman’s suggestion and get out of the way.


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