I just got this from the new RNC / NH GOP representative for Belknap / Strafford Counties Director as they gear up for the 2022 elections I said that I would put this one up (emphasis mine):
Good afternoon,
I just wanted to blast this out really quickly. Pete Buttigieg is coming to Manchester tomorrow, and we need people there to protest his arrival. We will be meeting at 460 Elm Street at 8:45 AM. It is right near the Market Basket. I hope to see you there if you can join us. Also, please share this information with all of your contacts. We need a large crowd that shows our disappointment in the Build Back Better Act, which gave New Hampshire the lowest funds for infrastructure.
Please let me know if you have any questions! I look forward to seeing you on Monday!
Bob Thompson
We’ll have a discussion on the idea that GraniteGrok is a “real-time utility” going forward. In the meantime, if you have the time and motivation to go and make sport of baby-faced Petey Buttigieg you have the info.
“which gave New Hampshire the lowest funds for infrastructure.”
From a Republican platform perspective, WHY is the NH GOP pushing the message of “We didn’t get ENOUGH Federal money to be wasted”???? From the NH GOP Platform:
We believe that the New Hampshire and United States Constitutions were written by our forefathers to limit our government, not our freedom.
We believe that economies flourish when all people retain as much of their hard earned income as possible, to spend and invest as they see fit.
We believe that low taxes are the result of low spending; that government has a moral obligation to the people to be as cost effective as possible, to always limit spending and growth of government, and to cut spending and cost of government at every possible turn.
…That the people justly view with alarm the reckless extravagance which pervades every department of the Federal Government; that a return to rigid economy and accountability is indispensable to arrest the systematic plunder of the public treasury by favored partisans…(and)
And don’t get me started on the “Taxes and Spending” part of the “Application of Principles” – if the NH GOP / RNC actually read the above and that section of their own Platform. What else am I to expect when they refuse to live up to their own Rulebook (and see if they get that reference).
And lastly, let’s see if any of the “high powered” officials on Water Street know which the Enumerated Power for the Federal Government is with respect to “infrastructure”, especially as the Biden Administration and our Democrat Federal Witches Coven has, yet again, redefined “infrastructure” to be anything they want.
And the NH GOP is going along with this and wants MORE Federal spending from a Federal bill they opposed???
Politics over Principles. Methinks the NH GOP ought to cogitate on that. As well as a bunch of other things. How ’bout that, Mr. Chair – no discipline?