“Thanksgiving Must Be Abolished”

by Skip

This from Michael Walsh made my Thanksgiving Day.  Just about every SJW talking point and attitude is roundly roasted and pickled! I had only quickly glanced at the headline and went “right, just another screed from someone that hates Thanksgiving” and was about to pass it by – glad I didn’t.  Wrong – just read it:

Thanksgiving Must Be Abolished

Around this time every year we are treated to multiple news articles explaining how we ought to deal with our racist conservative relatives at Thanksgiving. These articles, in my opinion, miss the point entirely. We shouldn’t be dealing with our racist conservative relatives at Thanksgiving dinner at all because we shouldn’t be having a Thanksgiving dinner in the first place.

Thanksgiving is a patriarchal ritual in which white men and their subjugated marital slaves commemorate the mass execution of Indigenous People by consuming the living flesh of innocent animals. It is frankly shocking that any decent person still celebrates this “holiday” in 2018, but I suppose that’s to be expected. Most people today have a cartoonish idea of history. If they had a more mature and nuanced perspective they would realize that the pilgrims were a bunch of thieving, genocidal, disease-ridden, smallpox-toting demons who accomplished nothing of value whatsoever. You might say they established and built a civilization, which, hey, is kind of neat. But so what? What has this civilization ever done for me besides give me everything?

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Allie Beth Stuckey - Satire

Anyone who Disagrees is a Self-Hating Stupid Bimbo

Allie Beth Stuckey from CRTV has done the “hard job” of coming up with a universal campaign ad for Democrats, and It’s Brilliant! Here’s a sample. “Democrats believe that women are powerful and independent. They are also helpless victims of the patriarchy who require government intervention to succeed. Any woman who disagrees with us on … Read more

Too Much Ink and So Little To Write About

“If either the right wing or the left wing gained control of the country, it would probably fly around in circles.” —Pat Paulsen

I seriously cannot fathom how much press has been given to the Notion of Stephen Colbert running for President.  And he will likely end up garnering votes, even if such a notion is satirical. Mickey Mouse and other such ficticious characters have traditionally done so.

But we must not forget the Stupid People.  Those who vote for a candidate because the candidate is physically appealing or has nice teeth or speaks well or is the “chosen one” It is those same people that think “Plastic Jesus is an actual hymn.

Well, I don’t care if it rains or freezes,
Long as I have my plastic Jesus
Riding on the dashboard of my car
Through all trials and tribulations,
We will travel every nation,
With my plastic Jesus I’ll go far.

Winston Churchill once quipped, “The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.” Is that to say people are dumb? Well some certainly are….others are simply glazed over…as if reading the assembly instructions to a new gas grill.

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