“Left-wing keyboard cowboys have doxxed ‘Mini AOC’ and her family off the internet.”

The headline is courtesy of Kira Davis at RedState, and it succinctly defines the circumstances. Joyless, angry, leftists, incapable of tolerating opposing voices (even satirical ones) have silenced one. Mini AOC and her parents have had to bail on the Internet after being doxxed by leftists.

Related: MiniAOC Mocks Ocasio-Cortez Border Fence, Kids in Cages Fraud


They are threatening the well-being and life of a child to silence satirical dissent.

Welcome to the modern left in America.

Exit Question(s)

1.) Will the real AOC say anything about her supporters threatening children?
2.) Will anyone take up the mantle of Mini AOC. Several someones, perhaps?

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