Bridge swamp

Biden Transition … A Slide Toward Regulatory Hell

Should Joe Biden actually take control the U.S. economy is going to change direction. A Biden Administration will attempt to unleash the executive branch agencies. The agencies themselves expect Biden will be hands-off. The result will be a regulatory free for all.

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Notable Quote – Veronique de Rugy

The large number of rules lifted by federal, state and local governments in response to this pandemic reveals the sad reality that many regulations serve little to no good public purpose. Hopefully, people will realize how counterproductive these rules were and will not allow them to be reinstated after the crisis is over. In the … Read more

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The Truth About Income Inequality

The title, taken from the tax prof blog, is the simples beginning to this piece. Income inequality is a significant burr in the Left’s backside. Sorry, that’s not quite right. It is a burr they are trying to stick to everyone else backside. Class Warfare divides, but is it as bad as they claim?

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Welcome to California3

California Bureaucrats to Create NH State Laws?

In case you needed any more evidence of just how crazy the NH Democrats have gotten: NH Democrat Rebecca McWilliams (Concord) is proposing a bill that would (in effect) delegate the regulation of New Hampshire’s air quality standards to a group of left‑coast bureaucrats known as the California Air Resources Board (CARB).

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Totalitarianism is alive in Concord- Here’s how we stop it

Just this week, the NH House has passed a massive list of onerous bills that are antithetical to liberty. From banning plastic bags and straws, to anti second amendment bills, one of which will require a 7-day waiting period upon purchasing a firearm, the Democrats have now begun heading into full totalitarian mode. We need … Read more

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