President Trump Issues Executive Order to Reduce Regulations to Aid Economic Recovery

In the interest of getting things done, not always my favorite words when it comes to government, President Trump pushed to waive, suspend, or do an end-around on existing bureaucratic barriers. As he advocates for an economic recovery, he is asking agencies, where possible (EO Archived here) to take it one step further.

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He’d like bureaucrats to look for additional rules that can be waived to get the economy jump-started, and he has asked that they examine the hundreds of regulations they sidelined to see if we can do away with any of them permanently.

Sec4.  Rescission and waiver of regulatory standards.  The heads of all agencies shall identify regulatory standards that may inhibit economic recovery and shall consider taking appropriate action, consistent with applicable law, including by issuing proposed rules as necessary, to temporarily or permanently rescind, modify, waive, or exempt persons or entities from those requirements, and to consider exercising appropriate temporary enforcement discretion or appropriate temporary extensions of time as provided for in enforceable agreements with respect to those requirements, for the purpose of promoting job creation and economic growth, insofar as doing so is consistent with the law and with the policy considerations identified in section 1 of this order.

Section one emphasizes the importance of doing anything they can within the law to improve or assist in our economic recovery.

Sec7.  Review of Regulatory Response.  The heads of all agencies shall review any regulatory standards they have temporarily rescinded, suspended, modified, or waived during the public health emergency, any such actions they take pursuant to section 4 of this order, and other regulatory flexibilities they have implemented in response to COVID-19, whether before or after issuance of this order, and determine which, if any, would promote economic recovery if made permanent, insofar as doing so is consistent with the policy considerations identified in section 1 of this order, and report the results of such review to the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, the Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy, and the Assistant to the President for Economic Policy.

If we can suspend it to help the recovery (better still), can we ditch it? 

Not exactly your typical inside-the-beltway strategy. As we can see from the Democrat’s most recent train of abuses (the partisan COVID bailouts), they see this as an opportunity to take more from us and do more for themselves. In other words, advance their political agenda, at our expense, to expand government and regulations.

And there are plenty of Republicans rising that gravy train with them, which is why so many people in DC hate Mr. Trump.

While they accuse home of trying line his pockets (it’s all projections), he’s looking for ways to get the boot off of our necks.

At least that is how it looks from here.

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