New England Gun Manufacturer Has Had Enough – Moving to Wyoming

We’ve written more than a few stories about Connecticut. The ‘You Need a Liberal “Constitution” to live there‘ State has made it a mission to drive business away. Especially gun makers, who continue to flee this crappy little left-wing armpit of America.

After more than 15 years in New Britain Connecticut, AR maker Stag Arms says they are pulling up stakes and moving to the more gun-friendly state of Wyoming.

The company will move to Cheyenne later this year after an effort to pick a new location that was announced in June. The shift follows similar recent moves by other firearms companies, most notably Weatherby and Magpul, who left California and Colorado, respectively, for new operations in Wyoming.

Good for Stag Arms. 

Did New Hampshire even try to attract them? If they did, I could understand their reluctance. Democrats keep cramming anti-gun bills down the throat of the legislature. They are relentless. Desperate. Most of New England has lost its gun rights. Vermont is destined to lose them in short order. Even Maine is not looking like a safe space for gun owners, even though both of New Hampshire’s neighbors still have constitutional carry.

Peer pressure is a terrible thing for Democrats.

Democrat 1: How can you stand to live in a state with such irresponsible gun laws?
NH Democrat: We’re working on it.

Wyoming is probably a safe bet. So, I wish them good luck out west. We’re going to stick it out here in New Hampshire and keep fighting (that’s a figure of speech). I know 2020 won’t make a moonbats worth of difference in Connecticut, but in New Hampshire, we could turn it red (as in Republican).

| DC Clothesline

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