NH Dems Endorse Obama Tax Increase

Steve MacDonald

As reported in the Union Leader Ray Buckley and the State Democrat party would like people to call members of congress and encourage them to support Mr. Obama’s tax on investors and job creators so Democrats can fund public sector union jobs and keep the dues-donations rolling in.  They also support the push to defer millions in social security revenues on to the shoulders of our children, though Buckley words it differently.

The plan would cut the payroll tax that 30,000 New Hampshire small businesses pay, provide tax relief for families, funding for police, firefighters and teachers, school building improvements and transportation projects in the state.

This entire effort is another organized scam to fund unions and Democrat campaigns, in the run up to November 2012, at taxpayer expense.  The payroll tax cut is a useless gesture, not a cut but a deferment, so what we have is more of the same catastrophic economic policy that has kept us in a recession and on the brink of collapse for three years now.

Temporary payroll tax cuts have never been shown to do anything for the economy and as the only funding mechanism for Social Security we’ll still have to pay them back.  This is like an abusive spouse holding off only to double up on the weekend.  So there is no cut.  It is a deferment, unless Mr. Buckley is suggesting that Mr. Obama plans to offset these cuts by reducing benefits to senior citizens?  Lacking spending cuts in other places there is no cut.  If the economy must still bear the burden of the expense this is a lie.  It is more of the same budgetary smoke and mirrors for the benefit of a sound bite.  Vapid thinking, empty policy, no real benefit.  No real cuts.  he is just shifting the debt burden on to our children.

Passing on debt to other peoples kids is a recurring theme for the Suckleycrats.  Debt deferment chicanery is very familiar to them. In their short tenure as the inadequate guardians of the New Hampshire budget, they managed to create a billion dollar deficit by spending like drunken sailors and deferring debt and expenses into the future, all the while claiming (also known as lying) that the budget was balanced.  This is an incompetence the Federal government has duplicated exponentially under Obama for no public benefit whatsoever.  (Unless funding Democrat supporting unions with Federal dollars is what they define as a public benefit.)

The State Democrat party is also supporting Obama’s tax increase that specifically targets small businessman and investors.  These risk takers and job creators would have to remove current investments out of the economy and their own businesses so they can be transferred to the government where every good socialist likes them.  The short term affect of that is fewer jobs, wage freezes, wage cuts, or even layoffs.   Tie that to the threat of lawsuits and "Jobs Bill" takes on a whole new meaning.

Lawsuits you say?  Yes, the Obama bill includes provisions to give Democrat supporting lawyers added revnue by allowing people who are not hired because they are not currently employed, the right to sue an employer.  Now pretend you are an employer.  Do you do everything you can to avoid hiring because of this provision or do you risk hundreds of lawsuits against yourself and your company?

This is an anti-jobs bill; just another bride of stimulus hand out to public sector union employees so they can continue to pay dues, which end up in Democrat campaign coffers.

SO call your congressman and tell them you want to screw over seniors, rob real job creators, and give it to the Democrat party.  Or if you might be against that idea, call them and tell them not to support Obama’s Tax dollars to Democrats sound bite bill.



  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of GraniteGrok.com, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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