Notable Quote includes image from OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay

Notable Quote – And So We Are There…

by Skip

As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day, the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron. -H.L. Mencken, On Politics: A Carnival … Read more

Hunter biden screen grab Fox News on YouTube

The Grift Goes On … The Grift Goes On …

Sun-King Sununu’s unofficial publicist … NH-NeverTrump Journal’s Mikey Graham … is “reporting” on Sun-King’s new 501(c)(4) … “Live Free or Die”. Yes, you read that right … one of America’s worst COVID-tyrants has named his grifting-organization, “Live Free or Die.” Grifting-organization? Yes, grifting-orgaization … here is how it works: if you or I want to … Read more

Donald Trump announces 2024 run

The Right Thing For Trump To Do … Is To Run

I want the messiest, meanest, most arduous Presidential primary imaginable … because I want, and the GOP needs if it is going to win in 2024, a political-killer for the nominee. The idea that … THAT’S JUST HELPING THE DEMOCRATS, IF WE TEAR EACH OTHER APART …is, at best, hopelessly naive.

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Ron DeSantis Vaccine Roundtable

Ron DeSantis Is The Anti-Sununu, Not The Anti-Trump

Mikey Graham at NH-NeverTrumpJournal has been pushing Ron DeSantis for President … simply because his NeverTrump masters see DeSantis as NeverTrump’s best hope of stopping Trump. Today he is trumpeting a UNH “poll” that shows DeSantis in the lead in the FITN primary … which assumes that the RNC doesn’t get its act together and … Read more

Sun King Sununu

To Sun-King Sununu, “Local Control” Means He Controls The Locals

The latest manifestation of Sun-King Sununu’s insatiable narcissism … His Wokeness fostering the impression that he may run for President. The dipping of the royal toe toe in the Presidential waters, however, is all about “look at me!; everybody look at me!” At the most, Sun-King would play the role of hatchet-man for NeverTrump, with … Read more

Sun King Sununu

Whose Dirty Work is Sun-King Sununu Doing?

Sun-King Chris Sununu is NOT really running for President. The Sun-King was too lazy (to fundraise) and thin-skinned (the dishonest ad campaign against New Hampshire’s ban on late-term abortions) to run for the Senate. He is NOT going to mount a serious campaign for the presidency. So what is going on?

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Is Kamala Harris in over Her Head?

The vice president has come under widespread withering criticism following her recent disastrous interview with Lester Holt and that contrived expedition to Guatemala and Mexico to uncover the “root causes” of the border crisis.

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Quick Thought – it means that the US has returned to the Rule of Kings

by Skip

This caught my eye: The Supreme Court held today that President Obama’s DACA program is clearly illegal. That should have been the end of the inquiry. If a president can’t undo the illegal acts of his predecessor, that can lead only to ever-expanding executive power. — Mike Lee (@SenMikeLee) June 18, 2020 Let me repeat … Read more

Trump Ford Truck Parody Screen Grab

President Trump Sets Another Record

President Trump’s economy is impressive. Record employment for minorities. Record wage growth, especially among lower and middle-class workers. All great things created by tax cuts and trade policy and deregulation. But he’s got another record about which to crow.

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BlogQuestion of the Day – Sociopath or Socialist?

by Skip

Heh!  Over at The Corner was this: Would You Vote for a Sociopath over a Socialist? MSNBC commentator Steve Schmidt says, “In America, a sociopath will beat a socialist seven days a week and twice on Sunday.” Like most patriots, I’d probably support a high-functioning law-abiding sociopath over a socialist, as well. After all, only one … Read more

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