President Trump Sets Another Record

President Trump’s economy is impressive. Record employment for minorities. Record wage growth, especially among lower and middle-class workers. All great things created by tax cuts and trade policy and deregulation. But he’s got another record about which to crow.


Retweeting a video from Mitch McConnell celebrating the 50 judges Trump and Senate Republicans have managed to put on circuit courts — the most in a president’s first term since 1980 and almost as many as President Barack Obama managed to put on in eight years — Trump reminded everyone they’d also managed to confirm 187 federal judges total.

The left is, naturally, not impressed. The courts had long been a second legislative branch for advancing progressive policy — a form of tyranny not uncommon in Banana Republics and third world kleptocracies. But the 21st century has seen the needle moving the other way if only just a bit.

The Government has been reprimanded for suppressing campaign speech and the individual right to self-defense, to name but two – though arguably the most significant two. You can’t have a proper tyranny with free speech and armed law-abiding citizens with a desire to protect their constitutional rights.

Your judiciary needs to be both independent of both the Legislative and Executive branches and one that jealously guards its powers while respecting the role it plays.

I’m not saying we are there. Far from it. But as with the Constitutional Republic itself, it may be the worst form of government, except for all the others.

We have shared interest in which the government can play a role, but its most important job is to protect our natural rights, not to define them, regulate them, and suppress them.

The fewer activist judges we put on the bench (with a big hat tip to Mitch McConnell and the Republican Senate for this record), the greater the opportunity for the sort of nation our founders intended. One made up of sovereign states and limited Federal oversight.

As limited as can be managed. A thing in which neither the Democrats nor the Never-Trumpers have any interest.

| Western Journal

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