BlogQuestion of the Day – Sociopath or Socialist?

by Skip

Heh!  Over at The Corner was this:

Would You Vote for a Sociopath over a Socialist?

MSNBC commentator Steve Schmidt says, “In America, a sociopath will beat a socialist seven days a week and twice on Sunday.” Like most patriots, I’d probably support a high-functioning law-abiding sociopath over a socialist, as well. After all, only one of the two is propelled by an ideology that’s an affront to the ideals of American life. The selfish self-obsessed sociopathic politician will still be constrained by the law and constitutional limits on state power. The socialist, on the other hand, will be driven by the idea of rolling back limits on state power. The corrupt sociopath may inflict temporary harm on the system, but the socialist is intent on overturning the system forever.

And we can see where this came from, right? Trump vs all of the Democrat Socialists running for President. Forget that Warren keeps proclaiming she’s a Capitalist (she’s playing the part of Lia-watha again) and Klobachar and Buttigieg trying to be more moderate (having tacked first to the Left), they’re all advocating for a Bigger Government that NEEDS to have more control over countless areas of our lives (e.g., energy, healthcare, wealth distribution, housing, and the economy just to name a quick few big ones).

So I know which way I’d go in in this – the question is, however, how would YOU vote?

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